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10 篇经典英文抱怨和索赔信函范文 作者: zsglly (站内联系TA) 发布: 2005-12-06 抱怨和索赔信函(Complaints Claims )的目的是为了获取更好的服务,对已出现的问题求 得尽快的、妥善的解决。它通常是买方由于对收到的货物不满而书写,如:货物未按时到达; 货物虽抵达,但与订单所载不同;货物有损毁现象;货物数量短缺或多余;货物质量与样品 不符;服务不合理以及收费过高等,这些均是抱怨、索赔的正当理由。 书写抱怨、索赔信函时,不妨开门见山出原先双方同意的条件,然后列举事实以表示有 何不满,以及为什么不满,最后提出解决的方法。内容应明确、清楚 、有理,语气要简洁、 坚决。避免使用愤怒和使对方过于难堪的措辞(除非你所抱怨的问题反复发生,且多次投诉 而毫无结果)。 举报删除此信息 广告 zsglly (站内联系TA) 1) For Delay in Shipment ( 由于发货延迟而抱怨) Dear Sirs , The furniture we ordered from you should have reached us a week ago .Needless to say , the delay in delivery has put us to great inconvenience .It is therefore imperative that you dispatch them immediately .Otherwise we shall be obliged to cancel the order and obtain the goods elsewhere. Please look into the matter as one of urgency and let us have your reply as early as possible . Yours faithfully, Jorn Thomas 亲爱的先生们:我方从贵方订购的家具应于一星期前收到。不用说,发货的延迟给我方 带来了很大的不便。因此,贵方必须立即发货,否则我们将被迫取消订单,到另处订货。 请紧急处理此事,并尽快告知结果。 2 ) For Poor-Packing (由于包装不妥提出索赔) Dear Sirs , We are writing to inform you that the toys covered by our order No.519arrived in such an unsatisfactory condition that we have to lodge a claim against you .It was found upon examination that 10%of them are broken and some are badly scratched , obviously due to the improper packing . Therefore, we cannot offer it for sale at the normal price and suggest that you make us an allowance of 20% on the invoiced cost .This is the amount by which we propose to reduce our selling price .If you cannot accept , Im afraid we shall have to return them for replacement . Sincerely yours , Jorn Thomas 亲爱的先生们:我们写信通知贵方,519 号订单玩具已收到,但货物状况很不令人满意 , 故我们不得不提出索赔。经检查,我们发现有 10%的货物破损,而且一些也有严重磨损现 象。很明显,这是由于包装不妥造成的。因此,我们无法以原价售出货物。 建议贵方依照 发票金额给予 20 %的折扣,这是我们所建议降低的售价额度。如果贵方无法接受,我们将 不得不退货,要求替换。 3 ) For Damage of Goods (由于货物损坏而抱怨) Dear Sirs, Our


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