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125个常用拉丁语词根 ? a-, ab-, abs- (Latin: from, away, away from; used as a prefix). This prefix is normally used with elements of Latin and French origins (abs- usually joins elements beginning with c, q or t). ? The form ab- is regularly used before all vowels and h; and it becomes a- before the consonants m, p, and v. The prefix apo- has similar meanings. ? ad- (Latin: to, a direction toward, addition to, near; used as a prefix). ad- appears before vowels and before the consonants d, h, j, m, and v: agri-, agrio- (Greek Latin: fields). ?Wild, savage; living in the fields” through Latin, ager, agri. amat-, amor-, am- (Latin: love, loving; fondness for). ami-, amic- (Latin: friend). ambi-, amb- (Latin: both, on both sides; around, about). ambul-, ambulat-, -ambulate, -ambulating, -ambulation -ambulator, -ambulatory, -ambulant, -ambulic, -ambulism, -ambulist (Latin: walk, take steps, move around; from “to wander, to go astray”). anima-, anim- (Latin: animal life; breath; soul; mind). Anima- is “a living being” from a Latin form meaning, “of air, having a spirit, living”, which in turn comes from another form meaning, “breath of air, air, soul, life”. anni-, annu-, enni- (Latin: year, yearly). ante-, anti-, ant- (Latin: before, in front of, prior to, forward; used as a prefix). Compare this element with anti-, meaning “against”. Anti-, with the meaning of “before”, is found in very few words, such as: “antipasto” (from Italian). and “anticipate” with its various forms, plus a few scientific terms. aqua-, aquatic-, aqui-, aqu-, -aquatically, aque-, -aqueous (Latin: water). audio-, aud-, audi-, audit- (Latin: hearing, listening, perception of sounds). bene-, ben-, beni- (Latin: good, well) and bon- (Latin: good). brevi-, brev- [brie-, bri-] (Latin: short). cand-, can-, cend- (Latin: glow; white). capit-, capt-, ceps-, chapt-, chef, cip-, -cup- (Latin: head, leader, chief, or first). carno-, carn-, carne-, carni- (Latin: flesh, meat). celer- (Latin: fa


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