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The Vatican City State 梵 蒂 冈 national flag national emblem (国徽) ?The size of Vatican: 440000㎡ (相当于天安门广场的面积) ?Popularity: 572 (2011) ?Official language: Italian, Latin ?Major religions:Catholicism (天主教) TIP : 梵蒂冈在拉丁语中意为“先知之地”。 national flag in detail 呈正方形,由金黄色和银白色两个竖长方形组成。传说金黄和银白两色是耶稣12门徒之一圣彼得的两把钥匙的颜色。 右侧的白色旗地中,绘有教宗保禄六世的牧徽。 A square, consisting of gold and two silver white vertical rectangle. The legend of gold and silver and white are two keys to one of the 12 disciples of Jesus Peters color. The right side of the white flag, painted Pope Paul VI pasture emblem. national emblem in detail 国徽,即教宗牧徽,是梵蒂冈城国的标志。为盾徽。 盾面为红色,其上有两把交叉着梵蒂冈国徽的钥匙和一顶罗马教宗的三重冠冕。 红色在历史上曾是天主教教堂的颜色;金黄色和银白色的两把钥匙是主给圣伯多禄(《圣经》中耶稣十二门徒之一)的,象征把天上和地上的一切权力都交给他;三重冠是主教冠和人间的皇冠结合产生的。 按照天主教的说法,罗马教宗为基督在世代表。 The national emblem, namely the papal coat of arms, is the symbol of Vatican City state. To shield emblem. Red face shield, which has two crossed with three keys and a coat of arms of the crown of the Vatican Popes top Rome. Red was the color of Catholic churches in history; gold and silver white keys is main to St. Peters (Bible in one of the twelve disciples of Jesus), a symbol of all authority in heaven and on earth and gave him; three triple crown champion is combined to produce a mitre and earthly crown. In accordance with the Catholic view, Rome the Pope to Christs earthly representative. Saint Peters Square (圣彼得广场) The daily life of the Vatican has strong religious color. Every time on Sunday, catholics gather at Saint Peter s Square . 梵蒂冈的日常生活具有浓厚的宗教色彩,每遇周日,圣彼得广场天主教徒聚集。 中午12点,随着教堂钟声响起,教宗在圣伯多禄大教堂楼顶正中窗口出现,向教徒们发表演说。 12 o clock at noon, with the church bells ringing out, the Pope appears in the center of the roof of the Saint Peters Basilica and delivers a speech to the Catholic. Saint Peters Basilica(圣彼得大教堂) St. Peters church, and the Vatican holy hall Tudor, Rome is the center of the Christian church, European Catholic ChaoShengDe and the Vatican Pope of the papacy, and