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内蒙古农业大学食品科学与工程学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特,010018
2.乌拉特中旗农区畜牧业专项推进办公室 内蒙古 巴彦淖尔 015300
3.乌拉特中旗乌加河镇畜牧服务中心 内蒙古 巴彦淖尔 015300)
摘 要: 选择5月龄巴寒杂交二代10只,与同月龄的小尾寒羊、苏尼特羊作对比,分别测定并计算其屠宰性能(屠宰率和净肉率),同时取巴寒杂交二代羊的股二头肌、背最长肌、臂三头肌三个部位,分别测定其色泽、嫩度、pH值、熟肉率以及脂肪酸含量并进行比较,确定食用最佳部位。结果表明:巴寒杂交二代在屠宰性能上优于小尾寒羊、苏尼特羊;其屠宰率显著大于苏尼特羊,净肉率显著大于小尾寒羊(P<0.05)。巴寒杂交二代背最长肌部位的色泽、嫩度、蒸煮损失率等食用品质指标较其他部位有一定的优势,并且背最长肌部位的不饱和脂肪酸含量均高于股二头肌、臂三头肌。其脂肪酸分布合理,以脂肪酸作为评价指标,其背最长肌部位的肉质较好。
Slaughter Performance, Eating Quality and Fatty Acid Composition in Bahan F2 sheep
LUO Yu-long1.YANG Jing1.LIU Xia-wei1.JIN Zhi-min1.YUAN Qian1.WANG Xiao-bin2.MA Wen-hua3.JIN Ye1*
College of Food Science and Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018,China
2.Special Advancing Office of Graziery, Urat Middle Banner, Bayannur 015300, China
3.Service Centre of Ugab River town Bayannur 015300, China)
Abstract:Bahan F2 sheep at the ages of 5 months were compared with small-tail lambs and Sunit lambs of the same ages in terms of slaughter performance.Besides longissimus dorsi of 5 months Sunite sheep were compared with biceps femoris and arm triceps in terms of color parameters, tenderness, pH , rate of meat loss and fatty acids content . The results showed slaughter performance of Bahan F2 sheep was better than small-tail lambs and Sunit lambs , Dressing percentage were significantly higher than those of Sunit lamb ,lean meat yield were significantly higher than those of small-tail lambs(P<0.05).In addition,longissimus dorsi in terms of color parameters, tenderness, pH , rate of meat loss and fatty acids content were better than biceps femoris and arm triceps.and unsaturated fatty acid content in longissimus dorsi was higher than biceps femoris and arm triceps.As the standard evaluation of mutton nutrition value,the longissimus dorsi of bahan F2 was best.
Key words:Bahan F2;slaughter performance;color parameters;tenderness;rate of meat loss;fatty acids.