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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料 雅思口语话题范例:Cook 广大烤鸭们的福利:智课雅思口语高分素材库出炉啦!众所周知, 雅思口语一直是中国考生的薄弱项,众多考生雅思成绩被口语分数拉低 ,从而与名校失之交臂抱憾不已。智课教育为帮助广大雅思考生突破口 语瓶颈,提高口语成绩,特地精心整理了雅思口语高分素材库。你还在 因为雅思口语不佳而苦恼吗?那快来智课雅思口语高分素材库汲取营养 吧! 1. Do you know how to cook? My mom does the cooking at home. I never had an interest in learning, and she never pushed me to. However, my brother is a great cook. He learned just by observing and practicing, because he’s keen on cooking cuisines. 在家,我妈负责做饭。我 对学做饭从没有兴趣,她也从没逼过我。但我哥是个不错的厨子。他仅 通过观察和 自己练习就学会做饭了,他热衷于烹饪美食。 2. Have you thought about learning how to cook? NO, NO. I don’t think I have the talent for this. Also, I am still not the one for elaborate sit down dinners. Just a quick meal in front of the TV works for me. So fast food has always been my favourite. 没有。我觉得我对做饭没天赋。而且 ,我也不是那种喜欢坐下来吃 精心烹饪的饭的人。看电视的时候吃个快餐对我就够了。所以快餐一直 是我的最爱。 3. What do you like to cook? Anything and everything. Usually the more time consuming, chopping and dicing, and messed up my kitchen is, the happier I am. I also like to bake: from cookies, cup cakes, to lasagna and meat loaf. 任何以及所有。越耗费时间 ,需要剁和切 ,厨房越乱 ,我就越高兴 。我喜欢烤东西 ,从曲奇、妙芙到千层饼及肉馅饼。 4. Do you think everyone should learn how to cook? Sure, everyone should cook because everyone eats, it is a life skill. Eating food that you cooked yourself is healthier than eating processed food. You dont have to cook to top chef level but cooking is a good way to relax and have fun with your family. 当然了,每个人都得学做饭因为每个人都吃饭,这是个生活技能。 吃自己亲手做的饭比吃加工食物更健康。你不用把饭做到顶级厨师水平 ,但烹饪是个不错的放松及与家人共享快乐的方式。 5. Do you eat at home or do you usually eat outside? My mom doesnt cook every night, maybe 3-4 nights a week for dinner. Most of the time we all just fend for ourselves and eat what we want: sandwiches, grilled cheese, microwave meals, whatever. I am 27 now and I still eat that way.


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