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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料 雅思口语话题范例:Noise 广大烤鸭们的福利:智课雅思口语高分素材库出炉啦!众所周知, 雅思口语一直是中国考生的薄弱项,众多考生雅思成绩被口语分数拉低 ,从而与名校失之交臂抱憾不已。智课教育为帮助广大雅思考生突破口 语瓶颈,提高口语成绩,特地精心整理了雅思口语高分素材库。你还在 因为雅思口语不佳而苦恼吗?那快来智课雅思口语高分素材库汲取营养 吧! 1. Do you mind noises? Yes, traffic noise has a huge influence on me and this may lead to permanent hearing loss. Actually, I’m quite sensitive to this kind of sound. You know, even the sound of a car alarm in the next street can wake me up at midnight. 我介意。交通噪声对我影响很大,而且这会导致我永久的听觉损耗 。我对这种声音非常敏感。即便是隔壁街上的汽车警报声都能让我在半 夜惊醒。 2. What are some of the advantages of quiet places? Well, silent places can keep me away from the hustle and bustle of the city and the fast-pace of life. You know, sitting in the quiet place, doing meditation or reading some books can bring inner peace to my life and purify my soul. 安静的地方让我远离城市的喧嚣及快节奏的生活。坐在安静的地方 冥想或读书能给我带来内在的平静并且可以净化我的灵魂。 3. What natural sounds do you like the most? Well, I like listening bird singing, especially in the morning. Though birds are using their voice to impress mates and proclaim territories, the lovely sound can still comfort my mind and keep me in good mood all day. 我喜欢听鸟叫 ,尤其是早上。虽然鸟儿鸣唱是为了吸引异性和明确 领域 ,这种好听的声音仍然让我心情舒畅 ,一整天愉悦。 4. What sounds do you dislike? Well, I hate the noise that caused by transport, industrial and recreational activities in the city. This kind of noise almost drives me crazy and it may lead to an increase in stress. What’s more, it can increase the risk of deaf. 我讨厌城市中由交通、工业生产以及娱乐活动产生的噪音。这种声 音简直让我抓狂 ,还可能导致我压力增大。还有 ,这种噪音增加了失聪 的风险。 5. What sounds remind you of your childhood? Well, I guess, it must be a lullaby called “soft kitten”. The song actually has a regular rhythm, which is very repetitive. It’s the song my mom used to sing to me all the time before bed. So, every time I hear this song, it refreshes my childhood memory.



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