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8 3 V ol. 8 N o. 3 2009 6 Jou rnal of Changzhou V ocat ion al C ollege of In form at ion T echnology Jun. 2009 213 164) : , , : ; ; ; : H 3 19. 3 : A : 1672-2434 ( 2009) 0 3-0067-03 Vocabulary A ccumulation in English L earning YAN Z-i han Dept. of Fore ign L anguages, Chang zhou Co lleg e of Inform ation T echno logy, Changzhou 213 164, China) A bstrac t: The paper ind ica tes the mi portance of vocabu lary accumu lation by ana ly zing the functions and influences of vocabulary accu- m ulation in English learn ing. T hen the paper expounds the re lationship betw een Eng lish learn ing and vo cabu la ry accumu la- tion. A t the sam e tmi e, the paper spec if ica lly introduces the m ethods and approaches of vocabulary accumu lation in Eng lish lea rning. K ey w ord s: vocabu lary accumu la tion; Eng lish learn ing; mi portance; me thods and approaches , 1. , AB A 3 400 , , 2 000 , , [ 1] , 400 B 2 500 , 1 , 500 , , 4 200 2. , 5 500 ,


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