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34 1 南昌大学学报(人社版) Vol. 34 No. 1 2003 1 JOURNAL OF NANCHANG UNIVERSI Y Jan. 2003 1 2 2 陈敏燕, 张雨金, 陈昌仪 ( 南昌大学 11 宣传部; 21 文学院, 江西 南昌 330047) : 2002- 08- 17 : ( 1969) ) , , , ; ( 1980) ) , , , 2001 ; ( 1935) ) , , , # 130 # ( ) 2003 1 : # 131 # # 132 # ( ) 2003 1 : # 133 # Etymological Notes on Some Common Spoken Words in Jiangxi Chinese Dialect 1 2 2 CHEN Min- yan , ZHANG Yu- jin , CHEN Chang- yi ( Propaganda Department and School of Chinese Literature Linguistics, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330047, China) Abstract: In some regions, some spoken original characters are used very widely while others just in limited areas. For example,/ 0/ 0are generally used in most countries or cities of Jiangxi Province while/ 眫0 is mainly in Nan- chang area,/ ? 0 mainly in Linchuan area and / 0 mainly in Hakkas dialect area. In meaning, different dialect spots used different meanings. For example:/ 0has four meanings, but only the first two meanings are used in Nanchang City and in the other Jiangxi dialect spots people only use the rest. Key words:Jiangxi dialect; common spoken words; etymological notes; Guangyun; Jiyun ( 责任编辑 )


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