
恰当的复杂句开场 让你的雅思口语大加分.pdf

恰当的复杂句开场 让你的雅思口语大加分.pdf

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恰当的复杂句开场 让你的雅思口语大加分

智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料 恰当的复杂句开场 让你的雅思口语大加分 雅思口语开场白在雅思口语考试中起着至关重要的作用,巧妙的开 场白能从一开始就提高考官对你的印象分。小编整理了五句复杂句型的 开场白,供考生们参考,用高标准的开头为雅思口语高分助力吧! 很多烤鸭在备考雅思口语考试时,只注重雅思口语考试的三个部分 ,而忽略了开口的第一句话。其实,雅思口语的开场白起着至关重要的 。在雅思口语考试中,想要打动雅思口语考官,就得注意各种细节从“ 头”做起。万事开头难,如何用巧妙的开场白吸引雅思考官呢?小编整 理了五句复杂句型的开场白,供考生们参考,用高标准的开头为雅思口 语高分助力吧! 雅思口语开场白技巧:先点时间、地点,原因+中心答案+定语从 句或并列句 雅思口语开场白句型一:l Around….ago, I ……which was…… 雅思口语考题: Describe a traditional building in your hometown or country. When you first saw it What the building is used for 雅思口语范文: Around 5 years ago when I paid a visit to Xian, I saw an inclined tower which is used as an accessory to a famous temple. 雅思口语开场白句型二:l In the center/suburb of …, there exists a…..which is ….. 雅思口语考题: Describe a shop, shopping center or market that you like to go to. Where it is When you usually go there 雅思口语范文:Not far from my apartment, there exists a big shopping mall, named Walmart where I do my shopping almost every week. 拿到口语话题卡头脑一片空白?雅思口语有 口难开? 戳我获得名师解答 雅思口语开场白句型三:I prefer…which ….and I ….. 雅思口语考题: Outdoor sports Do you like outdoor sports? What kind of How often do u do that 雅思口语范文: I prefer to climb mountain which I do about every other week and I think it is the most suitable outdoor sport for me. 雅思口语开场白句型四 :The person/gift which is … the one which/who …… 雅思口语考题: Describe a gift that you have received which is important to you. What the gift is Who gave it to you 雅思口语范文: A watch which is gifted to me on my birthday by my sister is the one that I would bring it with me all the time. 雅思口语开场白句型五:Because/In order to…, I …which/and I ….. 雅思口语考题: A meal you cooked or ate What the meal consists of Who made it Is it special for people 雅思口语范文:To whet my appetite, my mother cooked me a meal with only fruits which nobody has ever tried before. 0元参加雅思模考 前雅思考试中心负责人


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