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Page Page PPaaggee 1-2 1-2 11--22 have the ability to do have the ability to do hhaavvee tthhee aabbiilliittyy ttoo ddoo 有能力做某事 be able to do be able to do bbee aabbllee ttoo ddoo go aboard go aboard ggoo aabbooaarrdd 上船,登机 be about to do …when … be about to do …when … bbee aabboouutt ttoo ddoo ……wwhheenn 刚想做……突然 above all above all aabboovvee aallll 最重要的是 at home and abroad go abroad at home and abroad go abroad aatt hhoommee aanndd aabbrrooaadd 国内外 ggoo aabbrrooaadd 出国 be absent from /absent-minded ( ) be absent from /absent-minded ( ) bbee aabbsseenntt ffrroomm //aabbsseenntt--mmiinnddeedd ((心不在焉)) be absorbed in be absorbed in bbee aabbssoorrbbeedd iinn have access to have access to hhaavvee aacccceessss ttoo 可以获得 by accident by accident bbyy aacccciiddeenntt account for / on no account account for / on no account aaccccoouunntt ffoorr (解释,说明)// oonn nnoo aaccccoouunntt (绝不 take…into…account / on account of take…into…account / on account of ttaakkee……iinnttoo……aaccccoouunntt (考虑)// oonn aaccccoouunntt ooff (由于) accuse sb. of sth. accuse sb. of sth. aaccccuussee ssbb.. ooff sstthh..(控告) be accustomed to doing be accustomed to doing bbee aaccccuussttoommeedd ttoo ddooiinngg achieve goal ( ) achieve goal ( ) aacchhiieevvee ggooaall ((完成目标)) acknowledge doing / acknowledge doing / aacckknnoowwlleeddggee ddooiinngg // acknowledge sb. as .. acknowledge sb. as ..


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