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Unit One Vitamins 1维生素 vitamin 2水溶性维生素 water-soluble vitamin 3脂溶性维生素 fat-soluble vitamin 4复合维生素 compound vitamins 5维生素以字母命名 Vitamins are named by the letters of the alphabet. 6预防坏血病的维生素C scurvy –preventing vitamin C 7治疗脚气病的维生素B1 vitamin B1 for curing beriberi 8维生素A与生长、发育 vitamin A and growth and development 9维生素A缺乏与眼疾 vitamin A deficiency and eye disease 10维生素D缺乏与佝偻病 lack of vitamin A and rickets 11维生素B2与 皮肤、眼睛和毛发 vitamin B2 and the skin, eye and hair 12有机营养物 organic nutrients 13维生素为生长、健康所必需 Vitamins are essential for growth and good health 14维生素含量高 high vitamin content 15维生素缺乏症 vitamin deficiency syndrome 16新鲜水果、蔬菜、蛋、奶、鱼肝油、米糠、豆子、谷类等富含多种维生素 Fresh fruits, vegetables, eggs, milk, fish liver oil, rice husks beans, cereals, etc. are rich in vitamins. Unit 3 Anesthetics 1麻醉剂和镇静药 anesthetic and sedative 2针刺麻醉 acupuncture anesthesia 3在脂肪和水中的溶解度 solubility in fats and water 4作用于神经 having effect on the nerves 5物理和化学性质 physical and chemical property 6对痛不敏感 insensitive to pain 7无信号通过神经传至大脑 No message are transmitted to the brain through nerves 8通过呼吸道给麻醉药 administration through respiratory tract 9注入脊柱射(给药) be injected into spine 10麻醉作用 anesthetic action 11过多地破坏脂肪和神经组织 destruction of too much fatty and nerve tissue 12不同麻醉剂的不同生理作用 varying physiological effects of the different anesthetics 13吸入乙醚 inhalation of ether 14深度松弛 deep relaxation 15失去知觉,术后恢复知觉 loss of consciousness/ unconscious, to regain consciousness after operation 16无术后恶心症状 free from postoperative nausea Unit 4 How does the human body fight diseases? 1肺炎、肺结核 pneumonia and tuberculosis 2 细菌释放毒素 germs giving off a toxin 3皮肤和粘膜 skin and mucous membranes 4炎症 inflammation 5聚集在感染部位 gather at the place of infection 6红、肿、热、痛 redness, swelling, heat and pain 7抗感染 fight against infection 8吞噬、消化微生物 engulf and digest microbes 9淋巴管 lymph vessels 10抗体、抗原 antibody and antigen 11抗毒素 antit


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