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3 ( ) 2005 6
N o. 3 Journal of Xihua U niv ersit y ( P hilosophy Social Scien ces) June. 2005
1 2
王 焰 郑贤贵
( 1西南交通大学外国语学院 四川成都 6 1003 1; 2 四川烹饪高等专科学校外语系 四川成都 6 10072)
文章以中国 影观众的审美期待和文化心理为出发点, 通过丰富的译例探讨了 影片名英译汉的翻译
策略 归化和异化, 以及翻译方法 直译意译音译补译和创译( 后两者均属于变译)
影片名; 翻译; 归化; 异化; 策略; 方法
H3159 A 167 2- 8505( 2005) 03- 0074 - 03
On Translation of English Film Names
WAN G Y an ZHEN G Xiangui
( 1. School of For eig n Lang uages , Southw est Jiaotong University , Chengdu 6100 31;
2. For eig n L ang uage Dep art ment , Sichuan Cuisine nstitute, Chengdu , 610072)
Abstract: T his paper, based on the Chinese audiences aesthetic anticip ation and cultur al psycho logy, discusses the translation of
f ilm names from English to Chinese. W ith assim ilation and alienation as strategic theo ry, the f ive main translation m ethodsliteral
t ran slation , liberal translation , transliter at ion, complem entary translation and creative interpretation ar e introdu ced in detail w ith suf
f icient ex amples .
Key words:f ilm nam e; translation ; assim ilation; alienation ; strateg y; m ethods
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