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2008年 11月 外语教学 Nov. 2008                                 第 29卷 第 6期 F ore ign L an gu age E du ca tion Vol. 29 No. 6 交际法研究对中国大学英语教材编写的启示 龙  婷 , 龚  云 ( ) 江西旅游商贸职业学院 江西 南昌 330100 摘  要 :交际法对我国的外语教育和外语教材编写产生了广泛而深远的影响。然而 ,近年来交际法教学实践却在中国面 临发展瓶颈 ,表现在以交际法为指导的教材与交际法教学实践的矛盾 。本文在回顾交际法的语言理论 、学习理论和国内 外教材编写历程基础上 ,分析了矛盾产生的原因以及对教材编写工作带来的启示 。 关键词 :交际法 ; 交际性教材 ; 启示 中图分类号 : H030   文献标识码 : A   文章编号 : (2008) Abstract: Born in the 1960 s in B ritain, Communicative L anguage Teach ing has becom e an international teach ing m ethod. It has develop ed fast and exercised great imp act on foreign language teach ing and textbook comp ilation since its introduction to Ch ina in late 1970 s. However, the recent communicative activities of foreign language teaching in Ch ina m eet w ith ob stacles, which are rep resented by the contradiction between textbook s for commun icative purpo se and the p ractice commun icative language teaching. Th is p ap er aim s at look ing back on the language theory and learning theory of commun icative language teaching and the history of textbook comp ilation at hom e and abroad, w ith the purpo se of analyzing the reason s and p ropo sing corresponding suggestion s. Key words: communicative language teaching; textbook s for communication; imp lication s (   交际法的产生是世界语言学和外语教学的重大飞 法知识只是交际能力的一部分 R ichard s Rodgers, 2001: 跃 。自从 20世纪 60年代晚期诞生于英国以来 ,交际法逐



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