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·药品价格· 对我国药品定价引入经济性指标的思考 * 孙利华 ,郭 朗(沈阳药科大学工商管理学院,沈阳 110016) 中图分类号 R95 文献标志码 C 文章编号 1001-0408(2012)24-2213-03 DOI 10.6039/j.issn. 1001-0408.2012.24.03 摘 要 目的:为提高我国药品定价的科学性和合理性提供参考。方法:分析我国药品定价引入经济性指标方面的已有研究成果 的合理性及存在的问题并提出较为合理的定价办法。结果:笔者认为合理的定价方法应为:首先,确定每一类治疗相同适应证下 不同通用名药品中满足临床需要的最低价格品种为该类药品的代表品,然后以代表品的价格为基准,对待定价药品与代表品的功能 进行倍比打分,以此作为分子,再将待定价药品的价格与代表品药品价格之比作分母,通过两者之比所得值对1的偏离程度,确定待 定价药品应提价还是降价及价格涨落幅度。而代表品的定价可采用成本加成法确定。结论:本研究提出的方法可通过将定价目标 与药品临床效果紧密结合实现价值定价,可科学、合理、经济、高效地同时满足药品定价目标及我国“批量式”定价的客观要求。 关键词 药品定价;经济性;价值定价;思考 Thought on Drug Pricing Method by Introducing Economic Indicators in China SUN Li-hua ,GUO Lang (School of Business Administration ,Shenyang Pharmaceutical University ,Shenyang 110016,China ) ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE :To provide references for improvement of scientific and reasonable drug pricing method. METHODS : The rationality and problems of existing research findings were analyzed about drug pricing method by introducing economic index in China. RESULTS :The pricing methods of the study were as follows :firstly ,the type of drug with lowest price was used as the typical drug among drug drugs with different general names were used for similar indication. Then ,regarding the price of typical drug as standard ,the functions of pending drug and typical drug were scored by multiple proportions (that is to say the function of pending drug was multiple of that of typical drug ),as numerator. Thirdly ,the ratio of the price of pending drug to that of typical drug (instead of cost ratio of them )was as denominator. By deviation from 1to their ratio ,raising price or cutting price and the range of rise and fall were determined. The price of typical drug was determined by add-to-cost method. CONCLUSIONS :Val- ue-based pricing is achieved by associating with the pricing objective and clinical effects ,is e


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