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黄宗智 【内容提要】中国的“非正规经济”就业人员(即没有工作保障,缺少福利和不受国家劳动法保护的劳工)已占今天2.83亿 城镇就业人员总数中的1.68亿,比正规就业人员要多出一倍半。但是,今日的中国国家统计机构尚未真正正视非正规经济就业人员统计。其部分原因是当前的主 流经济(以及社会)理论——即主要来自20世纪60年代在美国盛行的“二元经济”理论、“三部门理论”和“橄榄型”社会结构理论——的误导。这些理论共同 构成了50年代和60年代风行美国的“现代化”模式。本文扼要论述该模式的关键论点,进而回顾70年代和80年代发展经济学“革命”中有关学者对其所作的 批评,以及后来新古典经济学在美国新保守主义领导下进行的“反革命”辩驳,重在揭示论争双方的意识形态化偏颇,并突出各自的洞见,提倡适当结合双方正确的 见解,由此建立去意识形态化的理论观点,以助于理解今天非正规经济的现实。
Abstract: The informal economy—defined as workers who have no security of employment, receive few or no benefits, and are often unprotected by labor laws—in China today accounts for 168 million of the total of 283 million urban employed, or 1.5 times the number of those in the formal economy. But the official statistical apparatus in China still does not gather systematic data on the informal economy. Part of the reason for the neglect is the misleading influence of mainstream economic and sociological theories, which have come from the “economic dualism”, “three sector hypothesis”, and “olive shaped” social structure theories that held great influence in the United States in the 1960s. Together they made up the prevailing “modernization” model of the time. This article reviews the core elements of that model, the “revolution” in development economics that followed it in the 1970s and 1980s, and the “counter revolution” from neoclassical economics that came with the rising ideological tide of Neo-Conservatism. The article attempts to separate out ideological biases from the genuine insights of the two sides, and argues for a balanced theoretical perspective that can more appropriately capture the realities of the informal economy today.
上世纪70年代以来,“非正规经济”在全世界发展中国家高速扩展。联合国的国际劳工组织(International Labor Organization,简称ILO)、世界银行的“社会保护单位”(Social Protection Unit)以及诺贝尔和平奖选拔委员会等众多机构,均一再指陈这样的事实。经历了市场化改革的中国同样如此,但它的存在仍然被中国的官方机构所忽视。本文 对现有经验证据进行检视和总结,同时分析学术界相互对立的经济学理论对这个事实的不同理解,最终提倡摆脱意识形态偏颇,综合不同理论各自的洞见以形成比较 平衡的观点。
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