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·14 · Medicine and Philosophy ,December 2001 ,Vol. 22 ,No. 12 , Total No. 247
吕 媛
(北京大学第一医院临床药理研究所 ,北京 100010)
摘要 :随着国家《药品临床试验管理规范》的颁布与实施 ,我国新药临床试验研究水平有相当的提高 ,但也存在着一
些问题 ,其中包括保护受试者权益问题。国家 GCP 有关章节中明确指出要保护受试者权益 ,并有具体规定 ,但在
执行中尚有出入。如试验方案未经伦理委员会批准、未向受试者告知试验内容 ,或告知的不够充分、甚至在未签署
知情同意书时就开始试验等。为此 ,我国采取了相应的措施 ,如设立药品临床研究培训中心 ;定期对临床试验基地
的研究者以及相关人员如与试验有关的医师、药师及申办者进行 GCP 培训、基地审核制度 , 以法律手段来保证受
关键词 :药品临床试验管理规范 ;受试者权益
( )
中图分类号:R - 052 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1002 - 0772 2001 12 - 0014 - 04
Clinical Trials in China :the Protection of Trial Subjects ’Rights and Benef its
L V Y uan
( )
The Institute of Clinical Pharm acology , First Hospital , Bejin g U niversity 100045, China
Abstract :With the issue and practice of Good Clinical Practice ( GCP) in China ,great progress has been made. However ,
we should also notice that the overall clinical trial levels still lag behind the requirements of GCP. For instance ,there are
still many gaps and problems in the protection of human subjects ’rights and benefits. In GCP there are some articles con
cerning the protection of human subjects ,but there are also problems in present clinical trials. For example ,some trial de
signs are not approved by Ethics Committee ,the trial subjects have no access or inadequate access to the information related
to the clinical trial and some subjects are even involved in the trial without giving informed content. In order to protect the
benefits and rights of trial subjects ,China has adopted the many measures. For instance ,to establish the GCP tra
- 2.2国网行测之数量关系题库(共51页)要点.pdf
- 2 2014诺伟司家禽免疫营养与健康巡回研讨会-螯合微量元素改善家禽健康_闫凤兰 武汉20140621要点.pdf
- 3 电磁阀选型要点.pdf
- 3-北斗-全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)接收机数据自主交换格式BD410001-2015要点.pdf
- 3D3S钢结构软件网易土木在线幸福兄专贴问答实录完整版50页2015年4月要点.pdf
- 1 英语微课教学的理据与技术要点.pdf
- 02无领导小组讨论(智鼎甄选公开课)要点.pdf
- 3. 北京大学2016年“研究生专项见习”合作指南要点.pdf
- 3D网上试衣间策划书要点.pdf
- 1.内科学见习指导手册(五年制)要点.pdf