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19 1 Vol. 19 No. 1 2006 2 Wo ld Fo est y Resea ch Feb, 2006 王明玉 郑桂华 田晓瑞 赵凤君 舒立福 ( , 10009 1) : 扑火安全是一个世界性难题, 在扑救森林 原火灾中, 造成人员伤亡的情况多种多样扑火需要在高 温下进行艰苦的工作, 大部分时间在野外, 地形陡峭崎岖, 远离交通, 危险性大, 事故发生率高森林扑火人员 经常处于恶劣的环境, 即使有各种防护装备和器材, 仍有可能在森林火灾中烧伤摔伤烟气中毒或受到其他 伤害, 所以对森林火灾扑救工作的危险性要有充分的认识, 并对必要的安全措施给予密切的关注 : 森林火灾, 林火扑救, 扑火队员, 扑火安全 : S 76213 : A : 1001- 4241( 2006) 01- 0031- 03 Fire Fighters Saf ety in Forest Fire Fighting Wang Mingyu Zheng Guihua T ian Xiao ui Zhao Fengjun Shu Lifu ( Resea ch Institute of Fo est Ecology, Envi onment and P otection, Chinese Academy of Fo est y, Beij ing 100091, China) Abstract : The fo est fi e is one of the most difficult natu al disaste s in the wo ld. Fi e fighting has ex- t emely high isk, and can cause the disaste elief pe sonnel tu n to inju y pe sonnel instantaneously if ca elessly. Fi e secu ity in fi e fight ing is a wo ldwide difficult p oblem, the pe sonnel casualty va ied in diffe ent situation. Fi e fighte s need to wo k unde high tempe atu e and in open count y in majo ity of wo king time. The te ain is steep and ugged, and fa away f om t anspo tation, the isk is se ious, and the accident ate is high. Fi e fighte s wo k in bad condition f equently. Even if they have many kinds of p otect ion equipment , they st ill had the possibility to bu n in the fo est fi e, fall, poisoned by haze o eceives othe inju ies. The fi e fighte s need the full unde standing of fi e isk they meet, and give the close attention to the essential secu ity measu e. Key words: fo est fi e, fi e fighting, fi e fighte , fi e safety , , , , ,



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