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第3章 蛋白质 chapter 3 Protein;本章主要内容/Contents of this chapter;蛋白质的化学组成 Chemical Constitution of Proteins; 蛋白质的元素组成 ;氨基酸 Amino Acids;; 除甘氨酸外,其余19种氨基酸的α-碳原子都是手性碳原子,这些氨基酸都有D型和L型两种构型。 With the exception of glycine(甘氨酸), the α-carbon of the other 19 amino acids is chiral(手性的) and they are all L-amino acids. ;自然界已发现300种以上的氨基酸 More than 300 amino acids have been discovered in nature.; 但只有22种在翻译时能直接参入到蛋白质分子之中,这22种氨基酸被称为蛋白质氨基酸,或者标准氨基酸,或者编码氨基酸。 But only 22 of them can be directly incorporated into proteins during translation and then are known as proteinogenic amino acids, or standard amino acids, or coding amino acids.;第21种氨基酸 硒代半胱氨酸;氨基酸的主要功能 Major Functions of Amino Acids;1、肽的组成单位,包括寡肽、多肽和蛋白质。 Building blocks for peptides including oligopeptides(寡肽), polypeptides(多肽) and proteins.;2、其他生物分子合成的前体或原料 Precursors(前体) for synthesizing other biomolecules.;3、脱氨基后留下的碳骨架可以做为合成葡萄糖和酮体的原料,也可以进一步分解为机体供能。 Carbon skeletons after deamination(脱氨基) can serves as precursors for synthesizing glucose(葡萄糖), ketone bodies(酮体) or provide energy by further degradation.;4、某些氨基酸本身就具有特殊的生理活性。 Some amino acids possess special bioactivities by themselves.;蛋白质氨基酸与非蛋白质氨基酸 Proteinogenic and non-proteinogenic AAs;氨基酸的分类 Classification of amino acids; 不同的氨基酸侧链基团不同,它们是氨基酸分类的基础。 Different amino acids have different side-chains(R group). They are the basis of the classification of amino acids.;中性氨基酸 Neutral amino acids;侧链为疏水性的烷烃链、甲硫基、吲哚基;侧链含有巯基、羟基、酰胺基等;带负电荷极性氨基酸—酸性氨基酸(2种);带正电荷极性氨基酸—碱性氨基酸(3种);亲水氨基酸(侧链为极性,喜欢水) Hydrophilic AA, with water-loving and polar side chain: Ser, Thr, Tyr, Cys, Sec, Asn, Glu, Asp, Gln, Pyl, Arg, Lys, His);疏水氨基酸(侧链为非极性,不喜欢水) Hydrophobic AA, with water-fearing and non-polar side chain: Gly, Ala, Val, Leu, Ile, Pro, Met, Phe, Trp; ;氨基酸的英文缩写 Abbreviation for 22 amino acids;氨基酸的理化性质 Physical and chemical properties of amino acids;1、氨基酸的光吸收特性 Ultraviolet absorption property of amino acids;;2、氨基酸的两性解离与等电点 Amphoteric dissociation and isoelectric point (pI) of amino ac


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