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* 与蜜蜂无关的“糖水蜜” 蜂蜜,是蜜蜂从开花植物的花中采得的花蜜在蜂巢中酿制的蜜。 构成蜂蜜就必须同时具备两个条件:蜜蜂和花。 蜜蜂用舌吸管吸取蜜源植物的花蜜,带回蜂箱后将花蜜吐入蜂巢中,再通过蜜蜂反复吸入吐出,将混有蜜囊分泌的转化酶的花蜜储藏在巢中。在酶的作用下花蜜中的多糖被分解为葡萄糖和果糖,水分减少到20%左右,成熟蜂蜜基本形成。 有一种蜂蜜被称之为“糖水蜜” 有一种蜂蜜在没有蜜蜂和花的参与下,也能制作出来,这样的 “蜂蜜”已经不足为奇。近几年质检部门、工商部门查获的假蜂 蜜被不断曝光,那些瓶瓶罐罐里的东西勾兑出的所谓蜂蜜,其 实主要是各种糖和水,被称之为“糖水蜜”。 什么是蜂蜜 2006年3月1日,蜂蜜的国家强制性标准正式实施,按照要求,蜂蜜中不得添加或混入任何淀粉类、糖类、代糖类等物质,如果添加了就不能以“蜂蜜”或“蜜”作为产品名称或名称主词。 关于蜂蜜的国家强制性标准 Is it honey Honey is produced from flowering plants and made from the nectar in a beehive of honey. Honey requires two conditions at the same: honeybee and flower. There is one of honey called ”syrup honey” What is honey The mandatory standard has carried out official on March 1, 2006. No added any kinds of starch, sugar and something like saccharide. If added, it can not be named honey. About the mandatory standard of honey Honeybees suck bee plant’s nectar with its tongue, and then back after nectar spit into beehive. Repass honeybee inhaled and spit repeatedly. Keep the nectar which has invertased into the hone nest. Then the nectar will be break down into glucose and sugar under the influence of enzymes. Moisture reduced to 20%, and that is the basic mature honey. There is a kind of honey without honeybee and flower. It is not surprisingly. In recent years quality inspection department and Commerce Department has checked series of false honey. The honey in the bottle is just mixed water and sugar. So it is called “syrup honey”. 近年来,市场上蜂蜜的种类越来越多,蜂产品的专卖店开遍了大街小巷。据了解2010年,中国蜂蜜产量22万吨,其中一半以上都是在国内销售的。据有关部门统计,目前市场上购买蜂蜜的消费者中,10个人有6个买的是糖水蜜。坊间糖水蜜的做法一般有以下三种。 第一种方法 用白糖加水和硫酸进行熬制,利用酸解的作用将白糖的双糖分子分解成单糖,来假冒蜂蜜。 第二种方法 用饴糖、糖浆等来冒充蜂蜜。 第三种方法 用粮食作物加工成的糖浆(也叫果葡糖浆)充当蜂蜜。 造假分子还在糖水蜜中加入了增稠剂、甜味剂、防腐剂、香精和色素等化学物质。 坊间“糖水蜜”的制作方法 In recent years, there are more and more kinds of honey in the market. The specialty shop of bee products was found surround the street. In 2010, there are 22 million tons of honey were produced and half on sale in China. According to statistic, 3/5 person bought the “syrup


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