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1:Work instuctions Avg score(100%)
作业指导书 Subtotal(24) Counts:(24) score
N/A=X NO=0
Yes=1 G=2 VG=3
Remarks 1.1 Are work instructions available at each process step (from Receiving/IQC through to Shipping) 是否每一道工序有适合的作业指导书? 1.2 Word instruction under revision control and at current revision level 作业指导书有无版本控制并且是当前版本? 1.3 The WI calls out current production part number and revision level 当前产品料号和版本号有无标明。 1.4 The WI calls out direct materials P/N,description,usage,and designator 直接物料的名称,料名,用法及制订者有无标明。 1.5 The WI calls out operation machine name﹠station number,machine progrom name ﹠revision,fixtures name/part number ﹠revision 有无标明使用设备的名称,站别,设备程序名称和版本,治具名称及编号版本? 1.6 The WI calls out tools/gages with part number or name,indirect material with detailed 有无标明工具规格的名称或编号,有无标明辅助材料及他们的工作条件? 1.7 The WI calls out work process/insruction for the station 每站别应标清其作业过程或作业指示。 1.8 The WI calls out highlights/special notes for the operation 每个作业应标清关键点和需特别留意的地方? 2:Operator Avg score(81%)
作业人员 Subtotal(17) Count:(21) score
N/A=X NO=0
Yes=1 G=2 VG=3
Remarks 2.1 Is operator certified for operation 作业员是否经过考核? 2.2 If operator is in training, verify adequate supervision 员工在培训时,是否有足够的监督管理? 2.3 Ongoing program for re-certification of operators 是否有员工再认证程式? 2.4 Is operation staffed per Work Instructions 每站别的员工是否依据作业指导书培训上岗? 2.5 Is operation being performed per Work Intrutions 操作是否依据作业指导书而执行? 2.6 Is the operator monitored for his/her performance 员工的工作表现是否被监控? 2.7 Are operators logging and/or using SPC trained in the technique 作业人员有无统计技术训练? 3:Materials Avg score(82%)
原物料 Subtotal(27) Count:(33) score
N/A=X NO=0
Yes=1 G=2 VG=3
Remarks 3.1 Production materials for each operation specified in Work Instructions and uder AVL control 每道工序所使用的生产物料是否在作业指导书中规定,其生产厂商在AVL中。 3.2 Verity production materia