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2004 年 6 月 高 电 压 技 术 第 30 卷第 6 期 ·9 ·
1 2
赵 斌 , 张霄元
( 1 许继电气主设备状态监测部 ,许昌 46 1000 ;2 北京许继电气有限公司 ,北京 100085)
Para meter Identif ication of Transf ormer Top Oil Temperature Model
and Prediction of Top Oil Tempeature
1 2
Zhao Bin , Zhang Xiaoyan
( 1. Dep art ment of Monitoring of Elect rical Equip ment of XJ Elect ric CO L t d , Beij ing China ;
2 . XJ Elect ric Co L t d , Beij ing , China)
Abstract The paper introduces the purpose and development of 因此模型参数的辨识方法是现场应用它监测和诊断
measuring and predicting transformer top oil temperature. From 变压器的状态的关键 。本文从变压器顶层油温模型
MIT transformer top oil temperature model , using the least square
method , the paper gives a new algorithm for the parameters identi 参数的辨识入手 ,推导出一种参数辨识的算法 ,并通
fication of the model . The algorithm and the model are applied on 过变电站现场采集的数据对它进行分析研究 ,得出了
the data on site in Shuanghu substation , Xinzheng city , Henan 有指导性的结论 。
province. The good result for predicting the transformer top oil
temperature proves the validity of the algorithm. Furthermore , the 1 顶层油温模型参数辨识与温度预测
paper analyzes some factors that may produce errors , such as the
quantity of the data , the noise of the data. Actual measured data 11 M IT 改进的顶层油温模型与参数辨识
accompanied by white noise may inspire fully the mode , and is good M IT 改进的顶层油温模型考虑了环境温度变
for parameter identification .
Key words transformer top oil temperature model parameters 量 ,实际应用时需采用离散模型 ,对于强迫冷却 ,取 n
identification predicting