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Ch inese Jou rnal of N ew D rugs 20 10 , 19 ( 7) ·新药申报与审评技术 · 仿制药注射剂处方工艺研究中的相关技术要求 吕 东1, 2 ,黄文龙1 ( 1 中国药科大学国际医药商学院 ,南京 2 10009; 2 国家食品药品监督管理局药品审评中心 ,北京 100038)   [摘要 ]  仿制药 目前在我国研发药品总量中占主导地位 ,与新药一起为公众健康用药提供了有力的保 障 。仿制注射剂作为很重要的一类仿制药 ,基于给药途径而对其质量提出更高要求 。文中结合 “质量一致 性 ”原则 ,对现阶段仿制注射剂在处方工艺研究中需要关注的几个技术要求进行了归纳与分析 , 以期促进仿 制药评价体系的不断完善 ,提高评价水平 ;也引导药品研发者有的放矢 ,提高研发效率 。 [关键词 ]  仿制药 ;注射剂 ;处方工艺研究 ;质量一致性 [中图分类号 ] R943  [文献标志码 ] B   [文章编号 ] 1003 - 3734 (20 10) 07 - 056 1 - 04 Techn ica l requ irem en ts of the research on form ula and prepara tion process of the gener ic drug product 1, 2 1 L Dong , HUAN G W enlong ( 1 In terna tiona l P ha rm aceu tica l B us iness S chool, Ch ina P ha rm aceu tica l Un ivers ity, N anj ing 2 10009, Ch ina; 2 Cen ter f or D rug E va lua tion, S ta te F ood and D rug A dm in is tra tion, B eij ing 100038, Ch ina) [ A b stract]  Generic drug is a m ain componen t of all drug p roducts in Ch ina, and en su re s the safe u se by the pub lic together w ith innovative drug. The generic injection is the mo st importan t typ e in all generic drugs be cau se its rou te of adm in istration need s the h ighe st requ irem en t of quality con tro l than any others. In order to fu rther imp rove ou r generic drug evaluation system and the quality of ou r evaluation and to enhance the efficiency of drug re search and developm en t, th is article po in ts ou t som e requ irem en ts on p rep aration re search of generic injection ba sed on the p rincip le of “The quality coherence between the innovative and the generic drug ”. [ Key words]  gen


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