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第九套 英译中 1. The World Health Organization says more than four hundred fifty million suffer from poor mental health. The most common disorder is depression. 世界卫生组织称,超过4.5 亿人饱受精神疾病折磨,(其中)最 常见的是抑郁症。 2. Mental health experts also include other disorders like drug and alcohol abuse that affect millions of people. Experts say mental health problems are most severe in poor countries. 精神健康专家也将药物滥用和酗酒等其他影响了成千上万人的心 理问题囊括其中,并称,精神健康问题在贫困国家最为严重。 3. In developing countries, a huge number of people, up to eight-five percent, don‟t have any access to any form of any mental health treatment. Mental health is a neglected issue there. 在发展中国家,大量人口无法接受到任何形式的精神疾病治疗, 比例高达85%。在那里,心理健康无足轻重。 4. Experts say about half of all mental problems first appear before the age of fifteen, but in many low-and middle-income countries, there is only one child psychiatrist for every four million people. 专家称,大约有一半精神疾病会在15 岁之前初显苗头,而在很 多中低收入国家中,每400 万人中才一个儿童精神学专家。 汉翻英 1. 北京故宫是明清两代皇宫,又称紫禁城。由于君为天子,天子的 宫殿如同天帝居住的“紫宫”禁地,故名紫禁城。 The Imperial Palace in Beijing is the palace of emperors in Ming and Qing Dynasties, also called the Forbidden City. Due to that the emperor was regarded as the Son of the Heaven and his palace the earthly counterpart of his heaven abode, forbidden to common people, hence the name the Forbidden City. 2. 故宫始建于明永乐四年(1406 年),永乐十八年(1420 年)完 工。占地72 万平方米,建筑面积15 万平方米,有房屋9999 间。 The construction of the Imperial Palace was started in the 4th year in Yongle „s reign(1406) in Ming Dynasty and completed in the 18th year in Yongle reign(1420), covering an area of 720,000 square meters, with the construction area of 150,000 square meters and 9,999 rooms. 3. 为了突出帝王至高无上的权威,故宫有一条贯穿南北的中轴线, 象征着政权中心的三大殿:太和殿、中和殿、保和殿都在这条中 轴线上。 to highlight the supreme power of the emperors, a central axis stretches from the north to the south, where Taihe Hall, Zhonghe Hall and Baohe Ha



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