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A GV 用超级电容与蓄电池混合储能的设计 1 2 1 张  勇 , 田华亭 ,熊  捷 ( 1. 昆明船舶设备集团有限公司 昆船设计研究院 ,云南 昆明 65005 1 ;2 . 昆明理工大学 机电工程学院 ,云南 昆明 650093) ( ) 摘  要 :针对 自动导引运输车 A GV 的工作特点和在使用蓄电池中存在的大功率放电问题 ,提出了 超级电容与蓄电池的混合储能系统 ,并对混合储能系统进行了参数匹配和设计 。对混合储能的电气系统 进行了仿真研究 ,结果显示 ,采用超级电容和蓄电池的并联混合可以将蓄电池的最大放电电流减小 100 A 以上 ,使蓄电池的放电电流控制在额定电流以内,延长了蓄电池的使用寿命 ,改善了对大功率脉动负载适 应能力 ,从而使 A GV 的动力性能也得到提高 。 关键词 :混合储能 ;超级电容 ;蓄电池 ;A GV 中图分类号 : TM 53   文献标志码 :A Hybrid Energy Storage of Ultracapacitor and Battery Design for AGV ZHAN G Yong1 , TIAN Huating2 , XION G J ie1 ( 1. Kunming Ship Design and Research In stit ut e , Kunming Ship Building Equip ment Co . L t d . , Kunming 65005 1 ,China ; 2 . College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering , Kunming Univer sity of Science and Technology , Kunming 650093 , China) Abstract : For t he op erating feat ures of automat ed guided vehicles (A GV) and t he high - power di schar ge p roblem of batt ery , t he hybrid ener gy storage syst em of ult racap acitor and batt ery was p ropo sed , and t hen t he hybrid ener gy storage syst em wa s designed and p aramet er s matched . Aft er t hat t he elect rical sy st em of t he hybrid ener gy storage sy st em was sim ulat ed . The result s show t hat t he u se of hybrid ener gy storage t echnology for ult racap acitor and batt ery p arallel can reduce t he maximum di schar ge current more t han 100 A . So t hat t he di schar ge current of batt ery can be cont rolled in t he range of rat ed current and ext end t he life of t he batt ery , and t he high - power p ul se load adap t abilit y can be imp roved , so t hat t he A GV driving force p erformance can be imp roved .


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