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# 416# ( Ch in J Drug D epend) 2006, 15 ( 6) : 416 - 42 1 [ * 药物成瘾与中枢结构重塑 麻耀颖 崔彩莲* * (, , 1000 83) , , ( , ; , ) , ; ; ; DRUG ADD ICT ION AND STRUCTURAL PLA ST IC ITY IN CENTRAL NERVOU S SYSTEM MA Y aoy ing, CU I Ca ilian (N euroscience R esearch Institu te, P ek ing Un iv ers ity, B e ij ing, 100083 ) AB STRACT D rug add iction is one o f typical experience - dependent processes of learn ing and m em ory. Persistent changes in behav ior and p sycho log ical function tha t occur as a function of experience are thought to be due to the reorganization o f synaptic connections in relevant brain areas. In this rev iew, w e summ arize ev idence that exposure to m orph ine, am phetam ine, cocaine, or n ico tine produces persistent changes in the structure of dendrites and dendritic spines on neurons in the bra in reg ions invo lved in incent ive mo tivation and rew ard ( such as the nucleu s accumbens) , and judgm ent and the contro l o f behav ior ( such as the prefronta l cortex ) . It is suggested that exposure to the drugs o f abuse resu lts in synaptic plastic ity in these neural circuits and then changes in function. KEY W ORD S drug addiction; synaptic plastic ity; dendrites; dendritic sp ines , , , , , , [ 1 , 90% , , (


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