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AEB225M2WJ32T-F,AEB335M2GJ32T-F,AEB106M2EK32B-F,AEB335M2WK32B-F, 规格书,Datasheet 资料
Type AEB
SMT Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors - High Voltage, 105 °C
Low Impedance and Long Life for High Voltage, High Ripple Current Applications
Type AEB capacitors are it for high voltage applications like input
bus capacitors in board mounted miniature AC/DC supplies. The
AEB’s low impedance in ratings up to 450 Vdc, and long life, make
it ideal for power supply input and other high voltage applications.
The vertical, cylindrical cases make easy automatic mounting and
reflow soldering.
• +105 °C, Up to 5000 Hour Load Life
• ♦Capacitance Range: 2.2 µF to 100 µF
• ♦Voltage Range: 160 Vdc to 450 Vdc
Operating Temperature: –25 °C to +105 °C
Rated Voltage: 160, 200, 250, 350, 400, 450 Vdc
Capacitance: 2.2 µF to 100 µF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20% @ 120 Hz and +20 °C
Impedance Ratio (at 120 Hz): Rated Voltage 160 200 250 350 400 450
Z(-25°C)/Z(+20°C) 2 2 3 5 6 6
Life Test: 5000 h @ +105 °C, L — S Cases
4000 h @ +105 °C, K Case