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72 Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences 2005, 14( 1) : 72- 74
Current Status and Development Strategies of
Chinese Cosmetic Industry
1 2* 1 3*
LI Xiaozhu , JIANG Bin , WANG Yitao , and SHI Luwen
( 1 . I nstitute of Chinese Medical Sciences, University of Macau, Macau, China; 2 . I nternational Research
Centerf or MedicinalAdministration, Pe ing University, Beji ing 100083 , China )
Abstract: Current status and e isting problems in the Chinese cosmetic industry are analyzed from
the aspects of industry scale, technology and management level, RD investment and human resources.
Strategies to promote the industry are also put forward, such as increasing entry barrier to optimize indus
try structure, tightening regulatory controls to improve quality assurance, fostering innovation and actively
e ploring modes of collaboration, and training more technical and managing professionals.
Key words: cosmetic; cosmetic industry; development strategies
CLC number: R951. 2; TQ658 Document code: A Article ID: 2005) 107203
1982 the gross industrial product was only RMB 02 bil
Current Status and Problems of Chinese
lion yuan, but in 2003 it e ceeded RMB 52 billion yuan,
Cosmetic Industry
which ranked eighth in the world and second in Asia ( just
Since the reform and openup p
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