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Unit 1
新兴经济体 emerging economies
最惠国 most favoured nation
国民待遇 national treatment
知识产权 intellectual property rights
市场准入 market accession
规模经济 economy of scale
生产要素 production factors
争端解决程序 dispute settlement process
多哈发展议程 Doha Development Agenda(DDA)
世贸组织部长级会议 WTO Ministerial Conference
热带农产品进口关税 import duties on tropical products
贸易政府审核机制/构 the Trade Policy Review Mechanism
Unit 2
Text A
WTO货物贸易的一揽子协议 the WTO’s umbrella agreement for trade in goods
服务贸易总协定 the General Agreement on Trade in Services(GATS)
争端解决谅解 the Dispute Settlement Understanding
多哈发展回合 the Doha development round
Text B
关贸总协定部长级会议的成员 a ministerial meeting of GATT members
市场准入承诺 market access commitment
贸易政策审核机制 the Trade Policy Review Mechanism
布莱尔宫协定 the Blair House Accord
Unit 3
Text A
货币政策贸易 monetary and fiscal policy
特惠关税 preferential trade agreement
自由贸易区 free trade area
原产地规则 rules of origin
北美自由贸易区 North America Free Trade Area
关税同盟 customs union
共同市场 common market
资本和劳动力的自由流动 the free mobility of capital and labour
欧盟农业政策 the European Union’s Common Agriculture Policy
关贸总协定的最原始签署国 the original GATT signatory countries
Text B
资源最佳配置 the best distribution of resources
the dialectical relation between economic globalization and regional integration
Trade liberalization, finance internationalization and production integration
disequilibrium between economic system and economic development level
一体化陷阱 integration trap
Unit 4
Text A
海关申报单 customs declaration
the United Nations Convention on Contract for the International Sale of Goods(CISG)
Convention for Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading