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Lunar near and far sides Old parts of the Moon are very heavily cratered. This indicates that early in the history of the Solar System the Moon and, by inference, Earth were very heavily bombarded by highly destructive bullets from space (asteroids; comets) Oldest rocks on Earth are ~3.85 Gy old. Older rocks were destroyed by impacts and erosion: There is nothing left of the earliest period of Earth history! 太阳系早期撞击事件很频繁 One or more large planetesimals collided with Venus and reversed its spin direction. Venus Spin direction of Venus 总 结 太阳系形成和演化的 基本图像已经确定,但很多物理过程没有理解清楚: 星云塌缩, 原初恒星形成,物质吸积,原初的行星盘;尘埃沉积,由于不稳定性或者其他机制,形成星子,星子并合形成星胎, 星胎碰撞形成类地行星;在太阳系外部类地核吸积其他形成类木行星 太阳系形成时更为致密, 早期的动力学演化到现在状态 Nice模型 The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima was ~ 20 kt (1 kt = 1,000 t of TNT; 1 mt = 1,000 kt). Meteor Crater Arizona = 3 mt = 150 Hiroshima bombs. Theories of Giant Planet Formation Core-nucleated accretion: Big rocks accumulated gas One model for rocky planets, jovian planets, moons, comets… Explains composition vs. mass Detailed models exist Takes millions of years Fragmentation during collapse: Planets form like stars Rapid Binary stars are common Mass gap Requires M 7 MJ Separate model for solid bodies; no model for Uranus/Neptune Gravitational instability in disk: Giant gaseous protoplanets Rapid growth, but cooling rate limits contraction Requires unphysical initial conditions (density waves stabilize) Separate model for solid bodies; no good model for Uranus/Neptune Spiral wave Spiral bending wave This type of wave is produced by gravitational tugs by moons on inclined orbits as they venture just slightly out of the ringplane. Dynamic Processes Mean motion orbital resonance(MMOR): 当二个天体的转动周期为整数比时他们经受有规律的引力扰动。 天体m’和大天体m, 如果起始的共相位置偏离近心或者远心点, 在共相点二个方向受力不对称, m获得角动量, m’失去角动量,最后共相点往前移, 轨道不闭合 * * * * * * 太阳系的形成和演化 主要限制条件: 行星系统在一平面内,轨道和太阳自转同一方向 小行星和太阳年龄近似相同,现在分布主要在二个带上 行星的轨道近似圆 内部岩石行星外部气体巨行星 彗星主要有二类: Oort星云和Kuiper带 太阳系主要质量太阳而主要角动量在行星 多数卫星轨道和行星自转方向一致 行星同一平面,相同的转动方向以及自转的方向基


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