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例4:Since the company would not desire applicants who do not have a good profile, it is important that an application form sent to a prospective applicant should request clear information about such things as the applicant’s age, qualifications and work experience as well as references from other individuals who know the applicant well. 由于公司不会录用个人材料不佳的申请者,因此向有 希望的应聘者寄发包括年龄,资历,工作经验等简明信息的申请表,并向了解应聘者情况的人士征求参考意见是很重要的。 例5:It is a cheap way of getting a reasonable quality signal to places in the world that even our short- wave transmitters can’t adequately reach. 互联网广播的确是一条耗资少但可以将音质不 劣的信号传送到短波都无法到达的地区。 例6:My smypathies are with all who struggle for justice. 我的同情心是向着所有为正义而斗争的人。 例7:By the middle of this century, some two thirds of the world’s nation, with at least five billion people, will enjoy a standard of living, which only the advanced economies now have. 到本世纪中叶,世界上三分之二的国家,至少50亿人口,将会过上当今发达经济体所享有的生活。 例8:In this way, they may devote their time to the study of policy alterntives free from the teaching and departmental duties that are part of the daily routine for most members of the acdemic community. 正因为如此,这些专家就可以从大多数学术人士习以为常的日常教学和科系公务中脱离出来,全身心地投入到政策的研究中去。 例3:The expansion of the universities since the beginning of World War II and the great increase in number of college graduates and Ph. Ds have produced a corps of technicians, aides speechwriters, symbol manufacturers, investigators, and policy proposers who are now employed by pratical men in all institutions. 第二次世界大战以来,大学的数目不断增长,本科,甚至是博士毕业生也与日俱增,从而诞生了大批的技术人员,助手,演讲稿撰写人,徽章生产商,调查人员和政策研究员,他们效力于各类务实的机构中。 例4:The project budget sustains both the existence of graduate students and the fiscal solvency of university, which takes a percentage “overhead”out of every project budget. 研究生是否存在,大学是否具有财政实力,这些都取决于项目预算。大学财政实力在整个项目预算中占有重要比例。 五.兼有状语功能的定语从句


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