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  广西政法管理干部学院学报 第 22 卷第 6 期 J OU RNAL OF GUAN GXI ADM IN ISTRA TIV E Vol22 No 6 2007 年 11 月 CADR E IN STI TU TE OF POL I TICS AND LAW Nov2007 On the Patient ’s Inf ormedconsent in the Eyes of the Comparative Torts La w MIAO Lidan ( School of la w, Yantai University , Shandong Yantai 264005)   [ Abstract] In daily life , p atient s ’seeing doctors is a common occurrence . Patient s should enjoy right s of informedconsent when t hey are hospitalized , which is p aid more attention day by day . Formally , t he invasion of medical treat ment involve p atient ’ s p ersonal right , however , doctors usually don ’t need to bear tortious liabilities. The cause is t hat t he p atient ’s informedconsent restrict s t he composition of tortious liabilit y . After comp arative analysis , in AngloAmerican Legal System and in Continental Legal System , t he recognition conditions on p atient ’s informedconsent s are similar , but t he remedy means for p atient s under invalid consent s are different .   [ Key words] p atient ’s informedconsent ; doctor ’s information and explanation ; t he foundation of tort s ; t he remedy means 从比较侵权法角度论患者的知情同意 苗力丹 (烟台大学法学院 ,山东烟台 264005)   [摘  要]在 日常生活中 ,患病就医司空见惯 ,患者在就 愿地作出接受相关诊疗措施的决定 。虽然“拒绝” 医时享有知情同意权的观念 日益受到重视 。诊疗行为的侵 ( ) 诊疗措施也是患者行使同意权 广义 的体现 ,但考 袭性使得从形式上看侵害了患者的人身权益 ,但医生往往 ( 虑到“同意”一词的字面含义 , 一般而言 , 同意 狭 无需承担侵权责任 ,究其原因在于患者的知情同意限制了 )


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