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我国区县级医院药房药学服务研究 孙刚①,张新平① 摘要: 目的:了解我国区县级医院药房药学服务现状,为其提升药学服务水平提供参考。方法:采用WHO的部分指标对医院药房药学服务行为进行定量研究。结果:(1)处方药物种数与所发药物种数两个指标有相关关系,其他指标两两之间无相关关系。(2)我国发药时间、病人姓名标识率和服药时间标识率分别是77.92秒、62.91%和61.84%,与国外的研究值相当;单张处方平均药物种数是4.16种,比国外的研究值高;药物实际分发比例是99.52%,比国外的情况好;药品通用名标识率低,只有40.58%;患者完全知道药物使用方法比例是71.04%,情况比较好。结论:应尽快制定标准药学服务指南,提升我国区县级医院药房药学服务水平。 关键词: 药房;药学服务;指标 Research of Pharmaceutical Care in Large Scale Hospital Pharmacy in China/SUN Gang, ZHANG Xin-ping/ Abstract: Objective: Understanding current situation of pharmaceutical care in large scale hospital pharmacy in China, and providing some practical evidence; Methods:Adopting indicator from WHO to quantitative study the pharmaceutical care in large scale hospital pharmacy; Results: (1)There is correlativity between the indicators of quantity of prescription drug and dispensing and no correlativity between others.(2)The dispensing time ,rate of patient name sign and rate of overdose time sign in China is 77.92 seconds, 62.91% and 61.84% respectively,correspondent with those in overseas ;The average drug quantity per prescription in China is 4.16, bigger than that in overseas; Practical rate of dispensing is 99.52%, higher than that in overseas; Rate of drug generic name sign is 40.58%; Patient’s knowledge of drug use is good ,the rate is 71.04%; Conclusion: It’s necessary to formulate the guide of standard pharmaceutical care as soon as possible in order to raise the level of pharmaceutical care in large scale hospital pharmacy in China. Key words: pharmacy ; pharmaceutical care; indicator First-authors address: School of medicine health management ,Tongji Medical College , Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan,430030, China Corresponding author: ZHANG Xin-ping,E-mail:xpzhang602@ 近年来随着我国逐渐推行“医药分开核算、分开管理”的卫生体制改革,许多医院要求药学部门集中更多的精力用于向病人提供优质的医疗服务,要求药学的工作质量全面转移,把药房传统的“单一提供药品模式”转变为向病人提供优质药学服务上来[1],使病人在较短的时间里得到最有效的药品、最佳的药学服务[2]。医院药房药学服务的开展是提高医疗服务质量的重要组成部分,是医院药学发展的需要。通过开展药学服务,将缩小与国外先进国家在医院药学方面的差距,促进与国际的接轨[3]。 1资料来源与方法



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