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必备双语标识 一、警示语 1、处方药凭医师处方销售、购买和使用 Prescription Drugs: Sale, purchase and use according to a practicing doctor’s prescription. 2、非处方药请仔细阅读药品使用说明书并按说明使用或在药师指导下购买和使用 OTC: Over-The-Counter Drugs: Please read the instruction carefully and follow it, or please purchase and use those drugs under the guidance of the pharmacist. 3、为了您的用药安全请您在购买处方药时留下您的姓名和联系方式。 For your safety, please leave your name and contact information when you purchase prescription drugs. 4、亲爱的顾客找零请当面点清离柜概不负责。谢谢你的配合 Dear Customer: count the change on the spot, and we won’t be responsible for it once leaving the counter. Thank you for your cooperation! 二、标示牌 1、药品柜、药品区 Medicine cabinet; Medicine area 2、非药品柜、非药品区 Non-medicine cabinet; Non-medicine area 3、禁止吸烟 No-smoking 4、药师咨询台 Pharmacist Desk; ConsultationConsulting Desk; Pharmaceutical Care 5、药师不在岗暂停销售处方药和甲类非处方 The pharmacist isn’t on duty, Purchasing of Prescription drugs and OTC A are suspended. 6、药品不良反应报告台 Adverse Drug Reaction Reports Counter 7、收银区/收银台 Cashier area / cashier 8、监督电话 Consumer hotline 推荐双语标识 一、分类标识 1、抗微生物药 Antimicrobial medicine 2、解热镇痛、消炎类药 Antipyretic analgesic anti-inflammatory medicine 3、神经系统用药 Nervous system medicine 4、心脑血管用药 Cardio-Cerebral Vascular medicine 5、呼吸系统用药 Respiratory system medicine 6、消化系统用药 Digestive system medicine 7、激素及内分泌系统用药 Hormones and endocrine system medicine 8、泌尿系统用药 Urologic medicine 9、妇科用药 Gynecologic medicine 10、清热解毒药 Antipyretic and antidote 11、五官用药品 Ophthalmological and Otorhinological medicine或ENT或Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Care 12、维生素及矿物质 Vitamins and minerals 13、抗感染药品 Anti-infection medicine 14、二类精神药品 class II psychology medicine 15、医疗用毒性药品 Medical Poison medicinemedicinal toxic drugs 16、其他药品 Other medicine 17、外用药品 Topical medicine 18、内服药品 medicine 19、计生药品 Birth control medicine 20、计生用品 Birth control Necessities 21、拆零药品 bulk medicine 或dismantled medicine 22、参茸 Ginseng and Antler 23、医疗器械、敷料 Medical device dressings 2


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