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美联社报道,虽然乔治-W-布什总统现在不得人心,但是他却矢志不渝。周日晚上,在向全国发表的告别演说中,他对自己在两届总统任期内的表现进行了辩护,并称任内取得了来之不易的成就。 ? Unpopular but unbowed, President George W. Bush defended his tumultuous two terms in a farewell address to the nation Thursday night, claiming a hard-won record of achievement, AP reported. 9/11恐怖袭击时,民众和他万众一心。布什对此进行了回顾,并宣称美利坚合众国将“永不疲倦,永不动摇,永不会失败。” ? Reaching back to the Sept. 11 attacks, when the public rallied behind him, Bush declared the United States will never tire, never falter and never fail. 布什将带着自理查德-尼克松总统之后最低的民意支持率卸任。他说,“也许,你不赞成我做的那些艰难的决定,但我希望你能认为我愿意做出那些艰难的决定。” ? Leaving office with the highest disapproval rating since Richard Nixon, Bush said, You may not agree with some of the tough decisions I have made, but I hope you can agree that I was willing to make the tough decisions. 恐怖主义、两次战争和经济衰退给这8年打上了不可磨灭的烙印,这次13分钟的讲话是对这8年的一个收尾,也是在周二离任前为任内工作辩护的最后一次机会。 ? A bookend to eight years indelibly marked by terrorism, two wars and recessions, the 13-minute speech was Bushs last opportunity before he leaves office Tuesday to defend his presidency.? 在距卸任只剩112小时的时候,他在白宫的东房发表了讲话。 ? He spoke from the East Room of the White House with just 112 hours left in office. 根据安排,他的下一次露面是在总统就职日。他将在白宫北门廊问候当选总统巴拉克-奥巴马。 ? His next scheduled public appearance will be greeting President-elect Barack Obama on Inauguration Day at the White Houses North Portico. 布什看上去很开心,也很自信。他把首位黑人总统奥巴马的就职称为美国“希望和自豪的时刻。” ? Seemingly upbeat and confident, Bush called the inauguration of Obama, the first black president, a moment of hope and pride for America. 这位第43任美国总统直到最后依然初衷不改,他宣称,美国在伊拉克和阿富汗的外交政策是成功的,并表示,他的政府改善了公立学校,推出了一项医疗保险处方药利好政策,并为老兵们提供了更好的待遇。 ? Defiant until the end, the nations 43rd president claimed foreign policy successes in Iraq and Afghanistan while crediting his administration with improving public schools, creating a new Medicare prescription drug benefit and finding more money for veterans. 美国正面临几十年来最严重的经济危机。布什表示,他的政府采取了“果断的措施”来为经济保驾护航。 ? With the United States facing the worst financial crisi


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