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甄健存 (北京积水潭医院药剂科, 北京市 100035 )
R95 C 1001-0408 (2009 )28-2234-03
目的:通过实施处方点评监督,提高医疗机构合理用药水平。方法:以《处方管理办法》为依据, 别从处方点评的管理、技
术、指标设计及指标计算方法等方面进行 析和规范。结果与结论:提出了有效的处方点评方法和标准,建议医疗机构根据各院实
Standardization of Prescri tion Evaluation to Im rove Rational Dru Use in Medical Institutions
p p g
Z HEN Jian _cun (De t.of Pharmac , Bei in Ji huitan Ho ital, Bei in 100035, China)
p y j g p j g
ABSTRACT OBJEC T IVE :T o improve rational drug u e level by m onitoring pre cription ev aluation.M ET HODS :The
m ana ement, techni ue, de i n of index e and t he com utation of the indexe , etc .in the re cri tion ev aluation were ana-
g q g p p p
lyzed and tandardized in accordance w ith P rescrip tion M anag ement M ethod .RESU LT S CONC LUSIONS :An ef fective
m ethod and tandard of re cri tion evaluation ha been ut forward;it i advi able for medical in titution to conduct re-
p p p p
cription ev aluation ba ed on t he actual ituation of their ow n o a to improve rational drug u e level.
KE WORDS Pre cription evaluation;Medical in titution ;Rational drug u e
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