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我院2010-2012年门诊药房麻醉药品应用分析 * 陈 虹 ,袁彩玲(解放军白求恩国际和平医院药剂科,石家庄 050082) + 中图分类号 R971.2;R969.3 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1001-0408(2013)46-4347-04 DOI 10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2013.46.10 摘 要 目的:旨在给临床医师使用麻醉药品提供参考。方法:收集某院2010-2012年共3847张麻醉药品处方,以世界卫生组织 (WHO )推荐的限定日剂量(DDD )、用药频度(DDDs )、药物利用指数(DUI )为指标进行分析和评价。结果:共涉及麻醉药品8种,剂 型3种(注射剂4种,片剂3种,贴剂1种)。3年间麻醉药品消耗金额呈递增趋势,2010、2011、2012年消耗金额分别为20 133.20、 86136.33、171872.86元。盐酸吗啡缓释片的DDDs 最高,盐酸羟考酮缓释片和芬太尼透皮贴剂的DUI 较高。结论:该院盐酸哌替 啶注射液已不再应用于癌症镇痛,仅用于内脏绞痛、创伤、术后镇痛;盐酸吗啡缓释片、盐酸羟考酮缓释片、芬太尼透皮贴为治疗癌 痛使用的主要药物;盐酸吗啡注射液、盐酸布桂嗪注射液、枸橼酸芬太尼注射液则应用较少,符合WHO 的癌痛治疗原则。 关键词 麻醉药品;处方分析;用药频度 Analysis of the Utilization of Narcotic Drug in Outpatient Pharmacy of Our Hospital from 2010to 2012 CHEN Hong ,YUAN Cai-ling (Dept. of Pharmacy ,Bethune International Peace Hospital of PLA ,Shijiazhuang 050082,China ) ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE :To provide reference for the clinical use of narcotic drugs by clinical physicians. METHODS :3 847 narcotic prescriptions in a hospital from 2010 to 2012 were collected and analyzed according to DDD ,DDDs and DUI recommend by WHO. RESULTS :8 varieties and 3 dosage forms of narcotic drugs were involved ,including 4 injections ,3 tablets ,and 1 transdermal patch. The consumption sum of narcotic drugs showed a gradual increasing tendency during last 3 years ;the total consumption sum of narcotic drugs from 2010 to 2012 were 20 133.20 yuan ,86 136.33 yuan and 171 872.86 yuan ,respectively. DDDs of Morphine hydrochloride sustained-release tablets were the highest ,and Oxycodone hydrochloride sustained-release tablets and Fentanyl transdermal had a greater DUI than others. CONCLUSIONS :Pethidine hydrochloride injection is not used to control the cancer pain anymore ;it is just be used for viscera angina ,trauma and postoperative analgesia. Morphine hydrochloride sustained-release tablets ,Oxycodo


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