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长江流域5城市42家医院2010-2011年核苷类抗乙型肝炎病毒药利用分析 * # 刘 荣 ,孟现民,董 平(上海市公共卫生临床中心药剂科,上海 201508) 中图分类号 R969.3;R287 文献标志码 C 文章编号 1001-0408(2013)30-2806-03 DOI 10.6039/j.issn. 1001-0408.2013.30.07 摘 要 目的:了解长江流域医院核苷类抗乙型肝炎病毒(HBV )药的应用情况及趋势,为临床合理用药提供参考。方法:采用销 售金额排序、限定日剂量(DDD )、用药频度(DDDs )排序、取药量/处方数比值法,对长江流域5城市42家医院2010-2011年核苷 类抗HBV 药的应用情况进行统计分析。结果:在使用核苷类抗HBV 药的患者中,上海市以≥45岁的中老年患者为主,其他城市 以18~44岁的青壮年为主,男女患者比例为2.81 1∶;各种核苷类抗HBV 药的使用呈现较大差异,阿德福韦酯和恩替卡韦占据了 70%以上的市场份额。结论:各城市医院2010-2011年核苷类抗HBV 药的销售品种和数量均呈增长态势,但个别品种处方超量 现象较普遍,需规范该类药的使用,特别需要控制患者用药的日均费用和取药量/处方数比值。 关键词 核苷类抗乙型肝炎病毒药;药物应用;限定日剂量;用药频度;合理用药 Analysis of the Utilization of Nucleosides Anti-hepatitis B Virus Agents in 42 Hospitals from 5 Cities in Yangtze River Valley during 2010-2011 LIU Rong ,MENG Xian-min ,DONG Ping (Dept. of Pharmacy ,Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center ,Shang- hai 201508,China ) ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE :To investigate the utilization and trend of nucleoside anti-hepatitis B virus (HBV )agents in the hospi- tals from Yangtze River valley ,and to provide reference for rational use of drugs. METHODS :The utilization of nucleoside an- ti-HBV agents in 42 hospitals from 5 cities in Yangtze River valley during 2010-2011 were analyzed statistically by amount rank- ing method ,DDD ,DDDs sorting and ratio of the amount of drug dispensed to the number of prescription. RESULTS :Among pa- tients who took nucleoside anti-HBV agents ,the majority in Shanghai were over 45 years old ,while the majority in other cities were between 18and 44years old ,with a male/female ratio of 2.81 1∶;there was great difference in the utilization of nucleoside an- ti-HBV agents ,and the regiment of adefovir entecavir accounted for over 70%of market share. CONCLUSIONS :During 2010- 2011,both the variety and the quantity of nucleoside anti-HBV a


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