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常见过敏触发器 Common Allergy Triggers 发现你的过敏触发器 Uncover your allergy triggers 过敏是一种免疫系统在人体的防御反应,在通常环境无害的物质,如花粉,动物皮屑,食物异常反应。 几乎任何事情都有可能引发过敏性反应,也有从轻微和愤怒的突然和生命的威胁。 以下是最常见的10个触发器。 Allergies are an abnormal response of the immune system where the bodys defenses react to a usually harmless substance in the environment, such as pollen, animal dander, or food. Almost anything can trigger an allergic reaction, which can range from mild and annoying to sudden and life-threatening. Here are 10 of the most common triggers. 花粉 Pollen 接触花粉的树木,草,杂草可引发花粉症或季节性过敏。 症状包括打喷嚏,流鼻涕,鼻塞,和发痒,流泪。 治疗方法包括了非处方产品,处方药,过敏杆。 防止症状,留任时花粉量高,大风天在室内关闭窗户,空气调节和运行。Exposure to pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds can trigger hay fever or seasonal allergies. Symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, and itchy, watery eyes . Treatments include over-the-counter products, prescription drugs, and allergy shots. Prevent symptoms by staying indoors on windy days when pollen counts are high, closing windows, and running the air conditioning. 动物皮屑 Animal Dander 分泌蛋白在动物的皮肤,在其唾液目前可能会导致一些过敏反应的皮脂腺。 过敏可以两年或两年以上,发展和症状可能不止直到几个月后结束与动物接触。 如果你的宠物造成过敏,使您的卧室一宠物区,避免地毯,并定期清洗动物。 一个HEPA过滤器和经常吸尘可能也有帮助。 过敏镜头可能是有益的。 Proteins secreted by oil glands in an animals skin and present in their saliva can cause allergic reactions for some. The allergy can take two or more years to develop and symptoms may not subside until months after ending contact with the animal. If your pet is causing allergies, make your bedroom a pet-free zone, avoid carpets, and wash the animal regularly. A HEPA filter and frequent vacuuming may also help. Allergy shots may be beneficial. 尘螨 Dust Mites 尘螨是屋尘,在生活的微生物。 他们茁壮成长的高湿度和饲料各个领域对人类和他们的宠物死亡的皮肤细胞,以及对花粉,细菌和真菌。 帮助防止包括床垫,枕头尘螨过敏,弹簧和框,使用低过敏性枕头,在热水洗涤床单每周和保持房子除尘项目免费,如毛绒动物,窗帘,地毯。 Dust mites are microscopic organisms that live in house dust . They thrive in areas of high humidity and feed on the dead skin cells of humans and their pets, as well as on pollen, bacteria, and fungi. Help prevent dust mite al