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中国药物警戒第8 卷第12 期 2011 年12 月 December, 2011 , Vol.8 , No.12
中图分类号:R286 ;R994.11 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672- 8629 (2011)12- 0759- 04
189 例穿琥宁注射剂不良反应文献分析
曾聪彦 丘凯悦(广州中医药大学附属中山医院,广东中山528400)
探讨穿琥宁注射剂所致不良反应的一般规律及特点,指导临床合理用药。 通过检索 1998~2010 年
摘要:目的 方法
国内公开发表的医学期刊报道应用穿琥宁注射剂致不良反应案例,并利用文献计量学方法进行分析。 穿琥宁
注射剂所致的 189 例不良反应与性别无关,多发生于<10 岁年龄组,其出现时间多发生于用药后的前30 分钟内,不
良反应临床表现复杂多样,累及机体多个系统- 器官损伤,主要以过敏反应和血小板减少症为主,经对症治疗,预后
多良好。 临床医师、药师应了解穿琥宁注射剂所致不良反应的规律和特点,加强其用药监测,以减少不良反应
Literature Analysis on 189 Cases Adverse Reaction of Chuanhuning Injection
ZENG Cong-yan QIU Kai-yue (Zhongshan Hospital, Guangzhou University of TCM, Guangdong Zhongshan 528400, China)
Abstract: Objective To explore the general pattern and characteristics of adverse drug reactions(ADR) induced by
Chuanhuning injection so as to provide references for clinical rational drug use. Methods ADR cases induced by
Chuanhuning injection that retrieved from domestic medical journals during 1998 ~2010 were analyzed statistically.
Results ADR of Chuanhuning injection were independent of patients sex, and mostly occurred in the <10 group.
They usually occurred in the first 30 minutes after taking the drug. ADR could involve in multiple organs and systems,
and clinical manifestations were various, mainly were allergic reaction and thrombocytopenia symptomatic treatment,
prognosis much good. Conclusion Doctors and pharmacists should know the pattern and characteristics of ADR,
and the use of Chuanhuning injection should be under strict monitoring to reduce the occurrence of serious ADR.
Key words: Chuanhuning injection; adverse drug reaction;