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XXX大学 2016届毕业生毕业设计(论文) 题目:混合动力汽车动力系统结构研究 院(部)别 汽车工程学院 专 业 交通运输 班 级 XXXX 学 号 XXXXXXXXX 姓 名 XXX 指导教师 XXX 二O一六年六月 摘 要 我们都知道随着全球石油供应的日趋紧张和环境污染的日益加剧,经济快速发展带来的这些负面问题越来越棘手,现在我国的环境问题已经相当严重,比如雾霾已经严重影响到人民的健康和日常生活。对于单纯的限号限行并不能从根本上解决汽车带来的问题。因此新能源汽车凭借其节能、环保的优点日渐成为汽车业界关注的焦点,尤其在未来随着关键技术被攻克,必将大行其道。 本文主要介绍混合动力汽车的几种主要结构和各自的优缺点,并分析混合动力汽车的动力系统的主要结构,对比不同的结构得出他们的优缺点并介绍他们的基本工作原理。还分析了我国混合动力汽车的发展前景,以及促进发展混合动力汽车,政府和企业所能做的工作。 关键词:混合动力汽车,工作原理,动力系统结构 Abstract We all know that with the rapid global oil supplies become increasingly scarce and environmental pollution increasing economic development, more and more difficult to bring the negative issues that China now has very serious environmental problems, such as the haze has seriously affected peoples health and daily life. Limited number lines alone can not fundamentally solve car the problem. Therefore, new energy vehicles, with its energy-saving and environmental protection advantages of automobile industry is becoming the focus of attention, especially with the key technologies be overcome in the future, will become very popular. This paper describes several structural hybrid vehicles and their advantages and disadvantages, and analyze the main structure of the hybrid vehicle power systems, comparison of different structures derived their strengths and weaknesses and introduce them to the basic working principle. Also analyzed the prospects for the development of hybrid cars, and to promote the development of hybrid vehicle development work of government enterprises can do. Key words: Hybrid cars, Works, Power systems structure 目 录 前 言 1 1 混合动力汽车研究意义和背景 2 1.1 混合动力汽车定义 2 1.2 混合动力汽车研究意义 2 1.2.1 混合动力汽车优点; 2 1.2.2 混合动力汽车缺点: 2 1.3 混合动力汽车关键技术 3 2 混合动力汽车的结构与工作原理 4 2.1 混合动力汽车基本工作原理 4 2.2混合动力汽车系统结构分类 4 2.2.1串联式混合动力电动汽车(SHEV) 4 2.2.2并联式混合动力电动汽车(PHEV) 6 2.2.3混联式混合动力电动汽车(PSHEV) 8 2.2.4 混合动力汽车动力结构及其节油原理 11 3 混合动力汽车动力系统主要结构与研究 13 3.1


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