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With a bit of self-belief, Australia could become a model nation 再多一些自信,澳大利亚可以成为一个模范国家 May 26th 2011 | from the print edition IMAGINE a country of about 25m people, democratic, tolerant, welcoming to immigrants, socially harmonious, politically stable and economically successful; good beaches too. It sounds like California 30 years ago, but it is not: it is Australia today. Yet Australia could become a sort of California—and perhaps a still more successful version of the Golden State. 想象这样一个国家:大约 2500 万人口,民主、宽容、欢迎移民、社会和谐、政 治稳定、经济成功,还有良好的海滩。听上去这像是 30 年前的加利福利亚,不, 这是现在的澳大利亚。不过,澳大利亚能够成为某种形式上的加利福利亚,并且 很可能比它更为成功。 It already has a successful economy, which unlike California’s has avoided recession since 1991, and a political system that generally serves it well. It is benefiting from a resources bonanza that brings it quantities of money for doing no more than scraping up minerals and shipping them to Asia. It is the most pleasant rich country to live in, reports a survey this week by the OECD. And, since Asia’s appetite for iron ore, coal, natural gas and mutton shows no signs of abating, the bonanza seems set to continue for a while, even if it is downgraded to some lesser form of boom (see article). However, as our special report in this issue makes clear, the country’s economic success owes much less to recent windfalls than to policies applied over the 20 years before 2003. Textbook economics and sound management have truly worked wonders. 澳大利亚已有成功的经济,与加利福利亚不同,它自 1991 年以来就避开了衰退, 得益于丰富的自然资源,仅仅是把矿产积攒起来并运往亚洲,就为澳大利亚带来 了大笔的财富。本周,经合组织一份调查报告显示,澳大利亚是富国里面最适宜 居住的国家。并且,由于亚洲国家对铁矿石、媒、天然气、羊毛的胃口看上去并 无削减之势,澳大利亚的好运还要持续一段时间——即便蓬勃发展的势头有放缓 之势。(看文章)。不过,就此问题,正如我们的专题报道中阐明的那样,澳大 利亚的经济成功更多归功于 2003 年前实施了 20 多年的政策,而非近来的意外之 财。教科书式的经济(模式)和完善的经营管理真实不假地创造了奇迹。 A flash in the pan? 昙花一现? Australians must now decide what sort of country they want their children to live in. They can enjoy their prosperity, squander what they do not consume and wait to see what the


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