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第8卷 第1期 北京交通大学学报( 社会科学版) Vol. 8 No1 2009 年1 月 Jo rnal of Beijing Jiaotong University( Social Sciences Edition) Jan. 2009 李 静 ( 重庆大学 语言认知及语言应用研究基地, 重庆 400044) : 人与自然的关系是人类文明和文化发 的核心问题, 美国哲学家梭罗的人与自然关系论的独特之处, 即表 现为他强调人与自然的关系应该是一种 温柔的 人际关系梭罗在瓦尔登湖畔的生活实践以及他的绿色经典 文本瓦尔登湖, 便是这 一人与自然关系论的集中体现梭罗的 人际关系论主要包括三 个方面的内涵, 即善待 和珍爱一切生命的行为原则; 回归自然, 天人合一的生活方式; 重精神轻物质的人生境界梭罗的人与自然关系论 对于构建和谐社会的人与自然关系维护生态平衡具有十分积极的理论和实践意义 : 梭罗; 瓦尔登湖; 人与自然; 生态 : G02 :A :2009) Thoreaus View on the Relation between Man and Nature LI Jing ( Research Base on Lang age Cognition and Lang age Application, Chongqing University , Chongqing 400044, China) Abstract:The relation between man and nat re is an important iss e to the evol tion of c lt re and civilization. The American philosopher Thorea manifests his spectac lar statement on this relation as the one being tender and interpersonal. T horea s life on the island amid the lake and his green classic Walden make a joint effort to embody s ch a relation. This view point mainly covers three aspects, namely, kindness to and reverence for all lives; ret rn to nat re as man and nat re are a harmonio s one; p rs it for the spirit al rather than material enhancement. Thorea s philosophy is of both prag matic and theoretical significance in o r endeavor to constr ct the harmonio s society and to protect the ecological balance. Key words:Thorea ; Walden; man and nat re; ecology , , , , 21 , , 19 , , , , , , , , , ,


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