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注会四班 张睿 挥 着 翅 膀 的 女 孩 摘取梦想的启明星 What has become your fondest dreams? 你钟情的梦想怎么样了? If you were guaranteed success, what would you dear to attempt? 如果保证你能成功,你敢尝试些什么呢? We all have drams, deep inside heart . those 我们都有梦想,深藏于心。 moments when we take a voyage in our imagination, 在梦想中,我们在想象的世界里遨游, into a world where everything was possible, a world 进入一个事事皆有可能的世界, where fear is a strange concept, limits are non-existents 在那个世界里恐惧是个奇怪的概念, and we are at peace with ourselves. 不存在限制,人人内心平和。 How come our dreams 为什么我们的梦想仍 remain just those dreams? 然只是梦想? Why are we stuck in 如果我们敢于站起来走开, jobs we hate, held bound 为什么我们又会陷在自己痛恨的 by the fear of the unknown, 工作里,为莫名的恐俱所束缚? if we dare to stand up and walk away? The only way our dreams can true, is when 我们的梦想得以成真的唯一方式 we start doing something about it. 就是我们开始为之行动。 Star with a baby step, one tiny step after another . 先迈出一小步,接着再买一小步 With time, you will be amazed by how far you had gone 假以时日,你就会为自己前进的距离感到惊奇。 Though barriers may sometimes stand in the way of 虽然在通往梦想的道路上会出现各种障碍, your dreams, remember that your destiny is hiding behind them. 但要记住,你的命运就在这些障碍的背后藏身。 Have faith in your judgment, catch the star 相信自己的判断,摘取闪烁于你内心的星星, that twinkles in your heart, and it will lead you to your destiny’s path. 他将引领你走向命运之路。 The greatest gifts in life are not bought, 生活中最美好的礼物不是买来的, but acquired through hard work and determination . 而是在努力工作和坚定的决心中获得的。 * How come our biggest dreams 为什么我们最大的梦想 don not come true? 没有成真 ? The answer is so simple, 答案其实很简单, you begin to wonder why it 你甚至开始琢磨为什么这些年来 skipped all these yeas. 你都没有注意到。 Our dreams simply don not 我们的梦想没有成真只是因为 come true because we keep on 我们在做梦之后便继续睡觉 Sleeping after dreaming and we don 而且我们也没有尽力 not try our best. How come our biggest dreams * * *


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