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上半月出版 Casting Forging Welding 金属铸锻焊技术
Al-Mn 合 组织与性能的研究
刘湘 刘炳
渊新疆大学北校区机械学院袁新疆乌鲁木齐830008 冤
摘 要院 文对Al-Mn 合金的显微组织尧力学性能以及在不同热处理状态下的力学性能进行了研究遥 研究结果表
明院Al-Mn 合金的显微组织为a 固溶体基体上分布着AlMn 和Al Mn 金属间化合物袁随着锰含量的增加袁析出金属化
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合物数量增加袁晶粒变粗曰合金在Mn 含量为0.90wt% 2.15wt% 的范围内袁强度随含Mn 量的增加而增加曰当含Mn 量
大于2.15%时袁强度随含Mn 量的增加而降低遥 Al-Mn 合金的硬度随含锰量的增加而增加袁塑性韧性随含Mn 量的增加
而下降曰Al-Mn 合金不能通过热处理进行强化遥
中图分类号院TG146.2+1 文献标识码院 文章编号院
Research on Microstructure and Properties of Al-Mn Alloy
LIU Xiang, LIU Bing
(College of Mechanical Engineering, X inj iang Unive rs ity, Urumqi 830008, China)
Abstract 院 Microstructure and mechanics properties of the Al-Mn alloy under different thermal treatment were
researched. Research results show that the microstructure of alloy is AlMn 和Al Mn distributing on a solid basement.
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With increasing content of Mn, the precipitations increase, and grains become bulky. When the content of Mn is within the
range of 0.90% 2.15% , the strength of alloy increases along the content of Mn increaseing. After the content above
2.15%, with the increase of Mn content, the strength decreases. The Al-Mn alloy hardness increases, and its plasticity and
toughness decrease, with the increase of Mn content. Al-Mn alloy cannot be intensified by thermal treatment.
Key words 院Al-Mn alloy; microstructure; property
本课题是在国家自然科学基金项目 叶高矿化度