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船舶电力推进技术 The Introduction of Marine Electric Propulsion Technology (MEPT) 第一课 发展概述 任课教师: 林治国 zglin@whut.edu.cn 任课教师:高海波 hbgao@whut.edu.cn 教材: Maritime Electrical Installations And Diesel Electric Propulsion by Alf K?re ?dnanes ABB AS Marine 要求: 1、预习 2、认真听讲 3、做好笔记 4、独立思考 5、踊跃回答 6、文献查阅 船的演進 2-Stroke Low Speed Shaft Line Propulsion 4-Stroke Medium or High Speed MEPS: WHAT’s WHY MEPS is a propulsion system in which propellers are driven by electric motors 发展情况 第一代电力推进 第二代电力推进 吊舱的诞生与发展 Historical Development - Electric Propulsion 1920’s: First Generation: Turbo-Electric Machinery Electrical Synchronous Propulsion Motors Variable Generator Frequency One-to-One Generator - Propulsion 1980’s: Second Generation Diesel-Electric Power Plant, later also Turbo-Electric Fixed frequency Electric Power Distribution AC/DC and AC/AC Power Conversion 1990’s: Breakthrough for Electric Propulsion Dominating in Cruise, Ice breakers, Offshore Oil Exploration Podded Propulsion 电力推进是一个能满足不同需求的领域。成功的电力推进解决方案被应用于基于建筑、操作、经济性等方面考虑的海军舰船、液压及推进工程、电力工程等方面。 电力推进采用蒸汽透平或柴油机带动发电机,采用不同的配置形式,已应用于数以千计的各种船型。 此外在潜艇和水面舰只中,电力推进系统也有不少潜在的装机容量。 随AZIMUTH侧推器和吊舱式推进装置的引入,电力推进系统的配置应用在不同的船型中以满足运输、机动、定位等目的。 目前,电力推进主要应用在以下船型:游轮、渡轮、动力定位的钻井船、侧推辅助定位锚泊的生产设施,油轮,布缆船,铺管船,破冰船,其它冰区航行船舶,供给船,战舰。在已存在和新的应用领域中新造船舶中适用电力推进的研究和评估工作正在进行。 Alternative Ship Designs 原动机与推进器机械连接的系统在很多场合已经不能满足船东对船舶功能及指标的需求 —大型主机及其轴系占据了巨大空间,其刚性的连接,制约了全船的布置,例如小水线面船、滚装船、豪华邮轮等都不能接受这种系统。集装箱船会因此而损失装箱空间,而舰艇则需要更多的武器弹药空间。 Electric Propulsion Improved life cycle cost by reduced fuel consumption and maintenance, especially where there is a large variation in load demand, e.g. in DP vessels Reduced vulnerability to single failure in the system and possibility to optimize loading of prime movers Light high/medium speed diesel engines Less space consuming and more flexible utilization of the on-board space increase the payload of the vessel Flexibility in location of thruster dev


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