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专有名词 IMT------ Integrated Management Team GCC----- General Communication Contract IOU------ Infrastructure Offsite and Utilities Contractor DCS------Data Control System EMS----- Electricity Management System RFI------ Request For Information FCR----- Field Change Request PDS----- Premises Distribution Systems CCTV---- Closed Circuit Television System IPS------ Integrated Petrochemical Site SCS----- Structured Cabling System BCC----- Basic Connection Components LAN---- Local Area Networks IC---- Incoming Communication PA/GA---- Personnel Paging Public Address and Emergency Alarm ME---- 机电设备 UPS---- 输出配电箱 扬通公司---- YPCIC 中建八局---- CSCEC NO.8 入中继---- incoming 中技院---- CBTDC 寰球院---- HQ 二建---- SINOPEC-2 中华人民共和国建设部---- Construction Ministry of PRC 通用电气医疗部---- GE Medical Department 土建专业施工单位---- structure contractor 中国银行---- Bank of China 中国交通银行---- Bank of Communication 中国农业银行---- Agriculture Bank of China 中国工商银行---- Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 中国建设银行---- China Construction Bank 中国人寿保险公司---- China Life Insurance company 业主---- owner 承包商---- contractor 分包商---- subcontractor 子系统---- subsystem 屏蔽综合布线---- shielded cabling system 安保系统---- Security and Access Control System 合格证---- QC pass Certificate 检验证---- Testing Certificate 生产许可证---- Production Permit 车辆通行证---- vehicles passes 封闭路段---- road closures 禁车区域---- no vehicle access 临时步行区---- temporary pedestrian access 医疗急救箱---- medical treatment first-aid box 档案室---- archive room 财务室---- account room 防尘罩---- dust mask 灭火器---- fire extinguisher 安全带---- safety harness (电话)交换台,配电盘---- switchboard 电源柜---- power cabinet 脚手架---- scaffolding 扬声器---- loud speaker 门禁---- access control 弱电---- low voltage power 支架---- equipment mounts 线槽---- thread trough 机房---- communication room 机柜---- cabinet 带宽----bandwidth 管廊---- pipe rack 桥架---- cable tray 打线---- connect cable 布线---- pull cable 接地---- grounding/ earthing 割接---- cut-over 搬迁---- remove/ relocate 移交---- turn over 焊接---- welding 挖掘---- excavation


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