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英汉思维差异及语言特点 主讲人:Linda 一、了解英汉思维差异的重要性 语言是思维的载体,语言学习不仅是对语言文字运用的了解与掌握的过程,又是思维方式的培养形成过程,尤其是外语学习。 了解中英思维方式的差异以及由这种差异所形成的中英语言的不同特点,能够对我们的英语学习起到很好的作用。 二、英汉思维差异 首先,西方人重直线思维,喜欢开门见山,直截了当。而汉民族重螺旋型思维,习惯于迂回的方式。 体现在语言表达上则是英文写作习惯 “先结论后举例”,“先结果后原因”,在句子或段落中,会将重心提前。而我们中文写作则习惯 “先摆事实,再讲道理”的归纳式逻辑结构。 例如以下是NY方写的邮件: Hi Wei,   I do not like this suggested fix. I would prefer – update ‘Used GC Amt’ when order created/charged successfully. Do not update ‘Used GC Amt’ when order not created/charged successfully. I think the update to the ‘Used GC Amt’ should be added to the logic for the Backend charge order process when the order status = CC Rejected. (Result——重心)   Often, these customers will call us immediately after having a problem, so the batch job would need to run every minute or two. That does not seem like a good thing, to me. (Cause)   Also, I think that this CO is only about Gift Certificates. I do not think we should update the Credit logic for this CO. The credit logic is not the same as the Gift Certificate logic and I do not want to risk the Credit logic. (Cause)   Thank you, 整体结构 Result (I don’t like….., I prefer….) Cause1 Cause2 “Batch job” “logic” Hi Cruz,   Thank you for reviewing order # 7937873.  I think the correct process is not to hold the order when the cancel request is entered.  When the Kiva response comes back, that is the time to update the status of the order in my opinion.  (Viewpoint —— 重心)   If Kiva does not respond, doesn’t that indicate the Cancel failed?  In that case, the order status should be Partially Cancelled or Shipped.  (Case)   If the pick ticket is voided successfully even though Kiva did not respond, then the standard process should happen and the order status should change to BAK or PSP. (Case)   If the pick ticket is “stuck” in Kiva or WMS, then the status should be the same, In Warehouse – Processing. (Case)   Are there any other cases to consider here?    Thank yo


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