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非 谓语动词 非谓语动词 1.性质:它具有动词的特点,但在句子中起着名词、形容词、副词的作用,充当主语、表语、定语、宾语、宾语补足语、状语的作用,即:除谓语以外一切成分。 1.He was in low spirits and even consider _____(go ) away. 2.Practise _____( put ) your hand to the ground. 3.I can’t help ______( have ) the trip to Britain. 4.Don’t tell me you always escape _____( fine) because you have a fast sports car. 5.Leave off ______(bite) your nails! 6.He didn’t feel like ______( work ), so he suggested _____( spend ) the day in the garden. 7.You certainly mustn’t miss _______( see ) the wonderful film. 8.The doctor advised ______( stay ) longer in hospital. 9.We appreciate your ______( want ) ______( help ) us in our difficulties. 10.Michael has delayed ______( write ) to her till today. 11.The law forbids ______( sell )liquor to children. 12.They all suggested ______( give ) more chances. 13.Can you imagine ______( leave ) standing outside for a whole night. 14.They built the banks to prevent the area from ______( flood). 1.不定式作主语: 1) change the following into the infinitive 1. ______( die ) for people is a glorious thing. 2. ______( talk ) with him is a great pleasure. 3. ______( help ) others is our duty. 4. ______( see ) is to believe. 2) change the sentences above into the ones using “it” as informal. 3)A: 如果要说明不定式表示的动作是谁做的,可以在不定式前加一个由for 引起的短语。 It is easy for the students to read. It will be a mistake for us to help you. 2.不定式作表语 1. Her work is ______( look )after the children. 2. My aim is ______( go ) to Tsinghua University. 3. She seemed ______( think ) about the problem. 3.不定式作宾语: 有些及物动词常用不定式作宾语。常见的动词有: want, demand, like, hate, hope, begin, seem, fail, help, offer, manage, pretend, forget, remember, promise, prepare, learn, expect, agree, determine, prefer, intend, etc. 比 较  一般说来,动词-ing形式表示一般性、习惯性的动作,或抽象性的动作,时间概念不强。而动词不定式表示的动作往往是具体的或一次性的动作,特别是将来的动作。  Smoking is forbidden here.  这里禁止吸烟。(泛指)  It‘s not good for you to smoke so much.  吸这么多烟对你的身体不好。(具体)  They prefer staying


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