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Unit 7 当代研究生英语 Unit 9 They Dared Cocaine and Lost Lead-in Questions 1) drug abuse: wrong use of drugs 滥用毒品 2) drug addict: person who cannot stop using drugs瘾君子 3) drug addiction: inability to control the use of drugs, resulting in physical or psychological dependence on drugs 吸毒瘾 4) Drug dealer: person who deals in drugs, i.e. buying and selling drugs毒品经营者 5) Drug trafficking: trading in drugs 贩毒 6) Drug user: person who uses drugs 吸毒者 7) anti-depressant: drug to control depression 抗抑郁药 8) stimulant: substance such as nicotine and caffeine that increases mental alertness and activity 兴奋剂 Lead-in Questions 2. Do you know any other kinds of addiction besides drug addiction? What are they? 1) What effects may drug addiction bring to the family? Marriage may break; Families may be fractured; 2) What effects may drug addiction bring to the individual? The drug addict may live a worthless or aimless life, they may commit crime or commit suicide 3. what are common drug-related crimes? Stealing Robbery. Even killing for money 4. what social problems may drug addiction create? Crime rate may increase. Social security is seriously threatened Children may become orphans. 5. what might be the causes of drug addiction? Temptation from other drug users, frustrations in life, broken family relationship, pressure from work, etc. 6. what measures can be taken to fight against drug abuse? Health education to increase people’s awareness of the harm of drug abuse. Severe penalty to drug dealers. About the Topic They Dared Cocaine And Lost They Dared Cocaine But Lost The Gist of the Article The narratives in this unit are the stories of three people whose lives were destroyed by cocaine. Stan Belin Patrick Bissell Mary Shea (Text B) Para. 1-2 What kind of family was Stan Belin born to? What experience helped to shape Stan’s idea of success as a boy? What were his goals in life? Language points be born to be locked in a fractured family impending doom a model chil


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