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40 2 Vo l40 N o2 2 0 0 8 2 JOURNAL OF HARBIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Feb. 2008 1 1 1, 2 李忠建 , 郑茂余 , 王 芳 ( 1. , 1500 0, E-m ail: m yq lz@j 163. com; 2. , 150080) : 为从热力学角度获得吸收式制冷机更为有用的性能上界, 建立其四热源循环模 . 该模 将吸收式 制冷机视为 一个由不可逆卡诺热机驱动的不可逆卡诺制冷机的联合循环系统, 考虑热阻及工质内部耗散的 不可逆性. 运用优化理论, 推导出: 制冷量与性能系数间的基本优化关系; 总热导率在各换热器间的最优分配 关系; 最大制冷量及相应性能系数的一般表达式. 与三热源制冷循环模 相比, 四热源制冷循环模 更接近 于实际的吸收式制冷机. : 四热源吸收式制冷机; 有限时间热力学; 基本优化关系; 最优热导率分配关系; 最大制冷量 : TB61 : A : 0367- 6234( 2008) 02- 0235- 05 F in ite-tim e therm odynam ic op tim ization of an irreversib le four-heat-source ab sorp tion refrigerator 1 1 1, 2 LI Zhong-jian , ZHENG M ao-yu , WANG Fang ( 1. School ofM un icipal and Environm ental Engineering, H arb in Institu te of Technology, H arbin 1500 0, Ch ina, E-m ail: m yqlzj@ 163. com; 2. M echanical and Pow er Engineering College, H arb in Un iv. of Sc.i Tech. , H arbin 150080, Ch ina) Abs tract: To obtain amore useful upper bound for the performance of an absorption refrigerator from a ther- modynam ic angle, a four-heat-source cycle model for th is system is presented. In themodel, an absorption re- frigerator is treated as a comb ined cycle system of an irreversible Carnot refrigerator driven by an irreversible Carnot heat engine. U sing optmi ization theory, the fundamental optmi al relation betw een the cooling rate and the coefficient of performance, the optmi al distribution relations of the total heat conductance bewt een the heat exchangers, and the general expressions of themaxmi um


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